AMCHP is steadfast in its commitment to cultivating a diverse maternal, child, and adolescent health (MCAH) workforce that is prepared to meet current and future needs across population domains. The library of learning modules below, resulting from a wide range of funded program initiatives, is intended to help practicing and aspiring MCAH professionals explore and deepen their understanding of critical topics and processes. Modules vary in structure and anticipated time of completion, but each has a title, brief description, and topic “tags” to help users determine whether the content is relevant to their current and/or anticipated professional roles. Please contact workforce@amchp.org with questions or recommendations.

The Use of Title V Data and Measures to Improve Systems of Care for CYSHCN
This module is the third in a series of 3 interactive modules created by AMCHP and NASHP in 2018 to assist states in using existing data and quality measures that are aligned with the National Standards to improve systems of care for Children and...
Use of Medicaid Data and Quality Measures in Improving Systems of Care for CYSHCN
This module is the second in a series of 3 interactive modules created by AMCHP and NASHP in 2018 to assist states in using existing data and quality measures that are aligned with the National Standards to improve systems of care for Children and...
Using Quality Measures, Data, and National Standards to Improve Systems of Care for CYSHCN
This module is the first in a series of 3 interactive modules created by AMCHP and NASHP in 2018 to assist states in using existing data and quality measures that are aligned with the National Standards to improve systems of care for Children and...
Autism CARES Act 101
This interactive module created by AMCHP and AUCD in 2019 addresses key facets of the Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support (CARES) Act, including grassroots and legislative origins, how it has evolved from 2006 to...
History of Title V Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) Programs
This interactive module aims to inform Title V leaders, health professionals, students, and other stakeholders about the evolution of Title V Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) programs and the policies and efforts that...
Exploring MCH Policy and the Policy Process
Welcome to this e-learning module on exploring MCH policy and the policy process. This module is part of a series that provides Title V professionals with the tools, knowledge, and capacity to effectively engage in policy development,...
Changing Policies: Institutionalizing Positive Nutrition Support
Welcome to this e-learning module on opportunities for integrating early child nutrition into Title V programs. This module is part of a series that describes ways that Title V programs can approach integrating early child nutrition work into their...
Changing the Environment: Increasing Access to Nutritious Foods
Welcome to this e-learning module on opportunities for integrating early child nutrition into Title V programs. This module is part of a series that describes how Title V programs can approach integrating early child nutrition work into their...
Integrating Early Child Nutrition into Title V: Building the Foundation
Welcome to this e-learning module on opportunities to integrate early child nutrition into the work supported by the Title V MCH Services Block Grant. This is part of a collection of modules that make the case for Title V programs to take on...
Changing Systems: Improving the Nutrition Network for Infants and Toddlers
Welcome to this e-learning module on opportunities for integrating early child nutrition into Title V programs. This module is part of a series that describes ways that Title V programs can approach integrating early child nutrition work into their...