
In alignment with AMCHP’s strategic plan, we work across the organization and with an array of partners to foster the development of a skilled, flexible, and diverse workforce that meets the current and anticipated needs of women, children, youth, and families. We define “Workforce” holistically but have a particular interest in having the right people in the right state/territorial Title V positions at the right times – and ensuring that staff are adequately trained and supported.

Our motivation is the distance between current workforce realities (with respect to age and racial composition, turnover, job satisfaction, training, and other variables) and AMCHP’s bold vision. We monitor this distance by collecting and analyzing MCH workforce data from a variety of sources. Our processes are aligned with AMCHP’s core values and steadfast commitment to building the systems that serve the unique needs of communities. Our framework is the MCH Leadership Competencies that identify foundational knowledge and skills for professionals across roles and settings. Staff efforts are supported by AMCHP’s Workforce and Leadership Development Committee; members contribute to existing projects and direct organizational priorities.

Current Initiatives

Program Areas

Core values

AMCHP’s Workforce Development and Capacity Building team:

  • Aims to always honor the diverse perspectives and priorities of MCH populations and the communities in which they live through listening, authentic partnership, and action.
  • Believes that leadership is a practice, not a status or associated with a specific title..
  • Strives to develop individuals in the context of systems change and change systems by investing in individuals, i.e. we apply a “workforce lens” across AMCHP efforts and help others do the same.
  • Recognizes that opportunities to build knowledge and skills (at the individual level) and capacity (at the systems level) have not always been afforded to all.
  • Practices empathy without compromising accountability, acknowledging each individual’s unique and important role in the broader pursuit of justice.

Intensive, individualized leadership development

AMCHP is committed to cultivating interest in the broad array of MCH careers and building the knowledge, skills, and abilities of practicing professionals to address current and future challenges – all while experiencing desired leadership growth and fulfillment in the context of this critical work. Our programs use adult learning principles to guide individual and small group training, facilitate mentorship connections, and offer hands-on experiences to put values driven leadership into practice across MCH domains and settings. These are deep, significant investments in people with demonstrated ability to contribute and immense potential to drive sustainable change in their respective jurisdictions.

Focused capacity building

AMCHP designs and implements initiatives aimed at providing state/territory MCH programs (often in collaboration with agency and community partners) with tools and technical assistance to address major priorities that have been identified through their five-year needs assessment and other information gathering processes. We run action learning collaboratives, provide multiple forms of coaching, and leverage expertise in change management that can be applied across topics. Capturing lessons learned from participating jurisdictions helps extend the benefit of these investments, with AMCHP well positioned as a membership association to support replication and/or scaling up of practices.

Broad-based workforce support and resources

In addition to programming, AMCHP creates and strategically disseminates products to meet the real-time needs of MCH professionals, especially but not exclusively those working in (or in close partnership with) state/territory health departments. This often involves aggregating and repackaging existing resources for different workforce audiences and purposes. We also regularly analyze multiple sources of data to identify and report on MCH workforce strengths, needs, and trends.


Latest News & Blogs

MCH Bridges Episode #1: A Conversation with AMCHP Presidents

MCH Bridges Episode #1: A Conversation with AMCHP Presidents

In this inaugural episode of MCH Bridges, we sit down with AMCHP’s President, Dr. Manda Hall, and AMCHP’s Past President, Dr. Shirley Payne, to talk about their MCH journeys, their wishes and hopes for the MCH field, and more! Please complete this short survey to...

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Peer Support as a Pandemic Response Tool

Peer Support as a Pandemic Response Tool

By Alice Wertheimer and Michelle Crawford  Introduction In early Spring 2020, the Family Engagement Team of The National MCH Workforce Development Center initiated a six-month peer learning program for Title V Family Leaders from each of the seven state teams...

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Mikayla Frye, MPH

Program Manager, Workforce Development & Capacity Building
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Ben Kaufman, MSW

Associate Director, Workforce Development & Capacity Building
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Candice Simon, MPH

Program Manager, Workforce Development & Capacity Building
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Nia Sutton, MPH, CHES

Senior Program Manager, Strategic Impact
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