AMCHP offers value to its members by providing exclusive access to the latest in maternal and child health practice and policy. In addition to supporting members with technical assistance and advocacy efforts, AMCHP connects members to promote expertise sharing through events, publications, and an online member center. AMCHP offers several membership types to meet the needs of all individuals and organizations. Learn more about our membership types below
State and Territorial Programs
State and territorial MCH programs may join AMCHP and select up to five delegates who serve as delegates to the AMCHP membership meeting and can vote for and serve on the AMCHP Board of Directors and other Board committees. The fifth delegate seat is for a Family Delegate and must be held by a family liaison to the Title V program. To learn more about the Family Delegate role and responsibilities, check out this fact sheet. State program dues are based on the state’s population. In addition to the five named delegates, state programs may also purchase additional memberships called “individual regular” memberships. Individual regular and program delegates must be approved by the state or territory’s Title V Director.
2024 Dues Rate: State and territorial program dues are based on the latest U.S. Census Bureau population. Learn more here.
Organizational Associate
Organizational associate membership is open to organizations interested in maternal and child health. Organizations may select up to eight representatives to receive all membership benefits. However, organizational associate members are not eligible to vote on any matter or to hold an office or Board of Director position, but may serve on committees of the Association.
2024 Dues Rate: $1,450
Individual Associate
Associate membership is also open to individuals interested in maternal and child health. Individual associate members are not eligible to vote on any matter or to hold an office or Board of Director position, but may serve on committees of the Association. Individual associate memberships can be purchased at a discount for students enrolled full-time at an institution of higher education pursuing a bachelor’s, master’s or other advanced degree with an interest and/or focus on MCH issues, AMCHP alumni who have retired from active practice and no longer derive significant income from work-related activities, and family representatives unable to be receive membership through their state or territory, as noted below.
2024 Dues Rate: $205
2024 Student, Alumni, Family Dues Rate: $100