by Gabrielle McLean | Jun 6, 2022 | Blogs & Podcasts, Podcast, Workforce Development
Guest Speaker: Marissa McKool, Career and Life Coach, McKool Coaching Take some time to rest and listen to our latest MCH Bridges podcast episode! In this episode, our guest speaker Marissa McKool, Career and Life Coach, shares her personal wake up call on the brink...
by Eden Desta | Sep 14, 2021 | Blogs & Podcasts, Podcast, Workforce Development
In this inaugural episode of MCH Bridges, we sit down with AMCHP’s President, Dr. Manda Hall, and AMCHP’s Past President, Dr. Shirley Payne, to talk about their MCH journeys, their wishes and hopes for the MCH field, and more! Please complete this short survey to...
by Eden Desta | May 15, 2021 | Mental Health & SUD, Pulse Newsletters, Workforce Development
By Alice Wertheimer and Michelle Crawford Introduction In early Spring 2020, the Family Engagement Team of The National MCH Workforce Development Center initiated a six-month peer learning program for Title V Family Leaders from each of the seven state teams...
by Eden Desta | Apr 1, 2021 | COVID-19, CYSHCN, News Releases, Workforce Development
The pressure caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is challenging to early career and seasoned staff alike. AMCHP is pleased to offer two unique programs to support MCH/CYSHCN staff and leadership during the on-going public health emergency: MCH Covid Coaching Cafés are...
by Eden Desta | Jan 13, 2021 | COVID-19, News Releases, Workforce Development
AMCHP and ASTHO are currently accepting applications for participation in Cohort Two of the PRISM Learning Community. Applications are due 1/27. For more information, see the full RFA here.
by Eden Desta | Jan 12, 2021 | CYSHCN, Mental Health & SUD, News Releases, Title V, Workforce Development
The pressure caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is challenging to early career and seasoned staff alike. AMCHP is pleased to offer two unique programs to support MCH/CYSHCN staff and leadership during the on-going public health emergency: MCH Covid Coaching Cafés are...