AMCHP is dedicated to centering equity and advancing anti-racism efforts in MCH. View our Anti-Racism Statement and Joint Organizational Commitment to Anti-Racism and Racial Equity to learn more about our dedication to this work.
Current Initiatives
Learn More
What is Equity and Anti-Racism?
The systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of population-based, program-specific health and/or related data to:
- Equity is defined as “All groups have access to the resources and opportunities necessary to eliminate opportunity and resource gaps, and thereby, improve the quality of their lives. (= Process) AND, Differences in life outcomes cannot be predicted on the basis of race, class, or other dimensions of identity. (= Outcomes)” (Living Glossary for Racial Justice, Equity & Inclusion)
- “Health equity means that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be healthier. This requires removing obstacles to health such as poverty, discrimination, and their consequences, including powerlessness and lack of access to good jobs with fair pay, quality education and housing, safe environments, and health care.” (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2017)
- Anti-Racism is defined as the work of actively opposing racism by advocating for changes in political, economic, and social life. Anti-racism tends to be an individualized approach, and set up in opposition to individual racist behaviors and impacts. (Race Forward, 2015)
How Do We Support Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion?
Our call to action is simple. We invite all of our members, partners, and supporters to “Be all in” for dismantling racism and:
- Establish honest conversations on racism in your spheres of influence and challenge racial and implicit bias wherever it exists
- Educate yourselves, your staff and organization members on the implicit bias and the history of racism in our communities and country
- Examine current and new policies to determine its impact on equity and actively advocate against any policy or program that perpetuates inequity and racial disadvantage
- Promote life course theory to understand accumulated disadvantage and advantage and encourage efforts that support resilience and restore power to communities of color
- Engage and partner, with humility and truth, with impacted communities and local organizations to understand their strengths and the impact of past acts of racism
- Ensure funding/contractual awards, related financial processes, and decision-making are aligned with business practices that optimize inclusion, accessibility, operational transparency, access
Current Areas of Focus
- Accountability
- Communication
- Education and Training
- Organizational Culture
- Talent: Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement
Visit our Resource library for information and tools regarding centering equity in maternal and child health.
How Can We Support You?
We provide and organize technical assistance (TA) on equity and anti-racism related issues. To request this TA, please click here and tell us about your needs!
Examples of TA that can be requested include but are not limited to:
- Equity framework recommendations
- Equity training recommendations
- Glossary recommendations
- Equity in evaluation design and measurement
We look forward to hearing from you!
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