2024 Title V Federal-State MCH Partnership Meeting

Click on the Session Name for more details

event_availableSUNDAY, OCTOBER 20

7:45 AM - 4:00 PMRegistrationBallroom Level 
8:00 AM - 9:00 AMBreakfastHall of Battles 
8:30 AM - 4:30 PMState Systems Development Initiative (SSDI) Technical Assistance MeetingColumbia AClick for Session Details 
9:00 AM - 3:30 PMTitle V CYSHCN Pre-Meeting (optional)Columbia BClick for Session Details 
Title V MCH Directors Pre-Meeting (optional)Congressional AClick for Session Detailspicture_as_pdf
3:45 PM - 5:30 PMTitle V New Leaders/Title V 101 Session (optional)Congressional ADivision of State and Community Health 

event_availableMONDAY, OCTOBER 21

7:00 AM - 7:45 AMYoga Session (optional)Thornton - 11th floorTerrance E. Moore 
8:00 AM - 5:00 PMRegistrationBallroom Level 
8:00 AM - 9:00 AMBreakfastHall of Battles 
9:00 AM - 10:45 AMOpening Plenary Session- Going for Gold: Elevating Needs Assessment Through PartnershipRegency BallroomShirley Payne
Michael D. Warren
John Richards
Rebecca Greenleaf
Amy Mullenix
Erika Iisa
Leolinda L. Iokepa
11:15 AM - 12:15 PMNeeds Assessment Steps 1 and 2 (small to medium sized states)Congressional CDChris Tilden 
Needs Assessment Steps 1 and 2 (medium to large sized states)Congressional ABecky Burns 
Needs Assessment Steps 3 and 4 (small to medium sized states)Columbia CDorothy Cilenti 
Needs Assessment Steps 3 and 4 (medium to large sized states)Columbia AJulie Preskitt 
Needs Assessment Steps 5 and 6 (small to medium sized states)Columbia BJohn Richards 
Needs Assessment Steps 5 and 6 (medium to large sized states)Regency DBeth DeFrancis Sun
Keisha Watson
Needs Assessment Steps 7, 8, 9 (small to medium sized states)Columbia FoyerAmy Mullenixpicture_as_pdf
Needs Assessment Steps 7, 8, 9 (medium to large sized states)Congressional BRebecca Greenleafpicture_as_pdf
Open NetworkingYellowstone/Everglades 
12:30 PM - 1:45 PMEarly Childhood focus groups – invitation onlyCongressional CD 
Lunch on your own  
2:00 PM - 3:40 PMPlenary Session- Family Engagement Takes the GoldRegency BallroomDawn Bailey
Nikki Dyer
Anna Cyr
Becky Burns
Michelle Crawford
4:00 PM - 5:00 PMRegional Networking – Region 1Yellowstone/Everglades 
Region 2 and 3Columbia B 
Region 4Congressional A 
Region 5Columbia C 
Region 6Columbia Foyer 
Region 7Congressional CD 
Region 8Regency D 
Region 9Columbia A 
Region 10Congressional B 
TA Providers Meeting (optional)Thornton - 11th floor 

event_availableTUESDAY, OCTOBER 22

8:00 AM - 4:30 PMRegistrationBallroom Level 
8:00 AM - 9:00 AMBreakfastHall of Battles 
Block Grant Coordinators Meet and EatColumbia C 
9:00 AM - 10:45 AMGolden Opportunities: Addressing SDOH to achieve optimal MCH outcomesRegency BallroomEllen Volpe
Sarah Downer
Jessica T. Lee
Elizabeth Cuervo Tilson
Amanda Innes
11:00 AM - 12:00 PMCultivating Community Solutions: Building Capacity for Community-Rooted Evidence in Title V Funding and PracticeCongressional BLaura Powis
Ollie Kuo
Ellisa Alvarez
Panel Discussion: Title V & Governor’s Office Collaborations for Maternal Health Policy ChangeRegency BallroomDr. Anaise Uso
Dawn Shanafelt
Vickie Ives
Moderator: Jess Simon
Amani Echols
Partnering with FIMR to Understand Stillbirth in CommunitiesRegency DSusanna Joy 
Title V Connections: Building relationships & alignment through meaningful engagement with local public healthColumbia CElizabeth Taylor-Schiropicture_as_pdf
Exploring the Landscape of Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Programs: Building the Capacity of Pediatric Health Professionals to Better Serve Youth Behavioral Health NeedsColumbia BMeaghan McHughpicture_as_pdf
Defining and operationalizing family engagement: Facilitated conversation with Family VoicesThorntonSuzanne Farris
Diana Autin
11:00 AM - 12:30 PMPlanning for New Performance Measures (extended session 11:00am-12:30pm)Congressional AJohn Richards
Becky Burns
12:30 PM - 1:45 PMLunch on your own  
Early Childhood focus groups – invitation onlyCongressional CD 
2:00 PM - 3:00 PMAddressing Maternal Health: Arizona’s MCH Collaborative Tribal PartnershipsColumbia FoyerLaura Luna Bellucci
Martín F. Celaya
Enhancing Community Engagement in Needs Assessments: A Collaborative ExplorationYellowstone/EvergladesLindsey Murphy
Mary Ellen Potts
Melanie Roberts
Appreciative Inquiry for Building a State Action Plan: A Strengths-Based Approach for Moving to ActionColumbia BAmy Mullenix
Rebecca Greenleaf
Advancing MCH in Complex Policy Environments Congressional CDAmani Echols 
Health Care Transition in Schools: Partnering with Special Education Programs to Advance Transition for Youth with Special Health Care NeedsColumbia APeggy McManus 
The Stay Covered! Project: Engaging Family to Family Health Information Centers (F2Fs) to Support Families Navigating the End of the Public Health EmergencyCongressional BSuzanne Farris
Becky Burns
Octavia Guthrie
Expanding the Definition of Maternal and Child Health: How Economic and Early Childhood Policies Improve Maternal and Child Health OutcomesColumbia CLara McCormickpicture_as_pdf
Promoting Resilience in Adolescent and Young Adult Mental Health and Well-beingCongressional AJulie Gorzkowski
Lesli Vipond
Dyane Gogan Turner
Center for MCH and Medicaid Partnerships Listening SessionThorntonMaura Dwyer
Julia Fantacone
Dhaakira Mays
SSDI Program Optional Informal Peer Learning SpaceLexingtonMaria Paz Carlos 
3:00 PM - 5:00 PMBig 5 States Meeting (3:00-5:00 PM)Yellowstone/EvergladesTBD 
3:30 PM - 4:30 PMWhere do we Begin?! The Needs Assessment as an Opportunity to align with other MCHB-funded Early Childhood ProgramsCongressional BAnna Corona
Maura Leahy
Paige Falion
Options for Coming Unstuck: Strategic Approaches to Decision MakingColumbia BAmy Mullenix
Rebecca Greenleaf
Tribal Engagement and Partnership in Washington State: Infrastructure, Data, and ProgramColumbia CKatie Eilers
Teresa Vollan
Investing in the Comprehensive Perinatal Workforce, with a Focus on Doulas: From Pilots to Full-Scale ImplementationRegency DKimberly Hruby
Savannah Riddle
Leveraging Parent to Parent in State Needs Assessments and Services for CYSHCNColumbia FoyerNichole Arp
Aurelie Brown
Amy Holbert
Marcia O’Malley
Navigating Care Deserts: A Conversation on Birth Facility ClosuresCongressional ALauren Garcia 
Blueprint for Change for CYSHCN: State Implementation in ActionColumbia AAnne Odusanya
Ruben Frescas, Jr
Ohio’s Save Our Sight Program Partnering with Community to Enhance Sammy Safe Eyes ProgramCongressional CDSheronda Whitner
Britt M. Dahlstrom
MCH Policy Innovation Program Information SessionThorntonMaura Dwyer
Jessica Simon
Anna Corona-Romero
Dakota Staren
Matthew Bobo
Tucker O'Donnell
Kelly Hughes
Garin Strobl
Iman Newsome Fowosere
Alicia Aroche
SSDI Program Optional Informal Peer Learning SpaceLexingtonMaria Paz Carlos 
4:30 PM - 5:30 PMCentral Appalachia TA Planning (invitation only)Concord 

event_availableWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23

8:00 AM - 10:00 AMRegistrationBallroom Level 
8:00 AM - 9:00 AMBreakfastHall of Battles 
9:00 AM - 9:45 AMTA Informational Session- Supporting You to Identify and Apply EvidenceRegency DEvidence Center and MCH Navigator
AMCHP Evidence & Implementation Team
TA Informational Session- Population Domain Specific Support: CYSHCNThorntonAAP Blueprint Center
Family Voices
TA Informational Session- Population Domain Specific Support: Child Health/Adolescent HealthColumbia ANational Center for Adolescent and Young Adult Health and Well-Being
Zero to Three
TA Informational Session- Population Domain Specific Support: Women’s/Maternal Health and Perinatal/Infant HealthColumbia FoyerMorgan State University Maternal Health Equity Research Coordinating Center
TA Informational Session- Crosscutting (Workforce, Family Engagement, Systems Building)Columbia BEvidence Center and MCH Navigator
Workforce Development Center
Center for MCH and Medicaid Partnerships
MCH Policy Innovation Program
Family Voices
Open NetworkingYellowstone/Everglades 
10:00 AM - 10:45 AMTA Informational Session- Supporting You to Identify and Apply EvidenceRegency DEvidence Center and MCH Navigator
AMCHP Evidence & Implementation Team
TA Informational Session- Population Domain Specific Support: CYSHCNThorntonAAP Blueprint Center
Family Voices
TA Informational Session- Population Domain Specific Support: Child Health/Adolescent HealthColumbia ANational Center for Adolescent and Young Adult Health and Well-Being
Zero to Three
TA Informational Session- Population Domain Specific Support: Women’s/Maternal Health and Perinatal/Infant HealthColumbia FoyerMorgan State University Maternal Health Equity Research Coordinating Center
TA Informational Session- Crosscutting (Workforce, Family Engagement, Systems Building)Columbia BEvidence Center and MCH Navigator
Workforce Development Center
Center for MCH and Medicaid Partnerships
MCH Policy Innovation Program
Family Voices
Open NetworkingYellowstone/Everglades 
11:00 AM - 12:30 PMTown Hall with MCHB Associate Administrator, Dr. Michael D. WarrenRegency BallroomDr. Michael D. Warren