The Call for Proposals for the 2024 AMCHP Annual Conference is now open! We highly encourage those working in community organizations and tribal entities, family leaders, youth, students, and early career professionals to share their completed (or in progress) work under any of 10 subject-focused tracks.
Given this year’s theme, Partnering with Purpose, it is especially important that AMCHP recognizes that the work of Title V and our members is enhanced immeasurably by working in partnership with community organizations, tribal governments, and family leaders. A key piece of this partnership is listening to and learning from people with lived experience about effective initiatives in their communities and collaborating on ways to further support and sustain that work at the state level. It is also important that we hold space for the voices and ideas of those exploring or preparing to explore career pathways in our diverse field.
AMCHP is committed to anti-racism and racial equity, and we are working to practice this commitment throughout our organization, including our partnerships, communications, and events. We use opportunities like the 2024 AMCHP Annual Conference to live up to our commitments. We invite you to participate by submitting and presenting your work either as skills-building sessions, workshops, poster sessions, or roundtables.
AMCHP will continue to make an intentional effort to have members of community-based organizations, tribal entity representatives, family leaders, youth, students, and early career professionals feel welcome at our conference as speakers, thought leaders, experts, and partners. We hope you will consider submitting a proposal or partnering on a proposal this year. The deadline to submit is November 3, 2023.
Interested in receiving support to submit your work?
Please review our Call for Proposals Webinar slides that explain the submission process. A recording of the webinar is also available to aid your proposal development and submission.
Presentation Types
- Skills Building Session: 3-hour interactive in-person presentation designed to teach new and specific skills, methods, or tools. (In-person delivery only)
- Workshop: 45-minute informative presentation with 15-minute Q&A. Great for those seeking to present on and discuss a specific topic and/or wanting to include co-presenters. (In-person presentation with select livestream or recording virtual delivery options)
- Poster: Graphic presentation of research or program results. Great for narrow topics or one aspect of a broader topic. (In-person or virtual poster options)
- Students and Early Career Professionals (SECP) Roundtable: Opportunity for SECPs to get feedback and guidance from industry leaders on a topic of interest or ongoing work. Great if you are working (or soon will be) on a thesis, dissertation, or passion you want to translate into action. Includes a brief 5 minutes of presentation and 15 minutes of audience engagement. (In-person or virtual roundtable options)
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who reviews the abstracts?
A committee of AMCHP staff and board members reviews abstracts without identifying information.
Q: How do I pick a track?
There is no advantage or disadvantage to selecting a specific track. The tracks are there to help participants filter their search and more easily identify presentations within their topic interests. So, pick the track that best represents your topic!
Q: How do I know if my topic is appropriate for the AMCHP conference?
Try to incorporate as many of the aspects below:
- Highlights key programs and advancements in maternal and child health (MCH) centered around equity.
- Presents new findings or perspectives.
- Examines a pressing or emerging issue.
- Relevant to the MCH community, especially family and youth leaders.
- Relates to conference theme and/or objectives.
- Addresses MCH leadership competencies.
Q: Should I have a co-presenter(s)?
Co-presenters are not required for workshops. However, successful workshops often include co-presenter(s) to add expertise and an additional perspective on the topic of interest.
Q: What else should I be aware of?
Refrain from using terms that further perpetuate narratives that place and describe communities of color as deficit populations (i.e., “vulnerable”, “at-risk”, or “low-income” to describe a particular racial group). This resource may be helpful to you as you shift your language.
Q: How much time should I spend on the application?
AMCHP staff estimate that it takes 4-5 hours to pull the content pieces together, and 15-20 minutes to fill out the forms for the actual submission. Ideally, submit at least a day before the November 3 deadline. Re-read the submission details and instructions thoroughly before submitting.
Q: What are the costs to attend the conference?
There is no expense to submit a proposal. There are special registration rates for several audiences if you want to attend as well as discounted rates for speakers and poster presenters. Consider seeking funding support through your academic institution or employer. AMCHP will also be organizing support through our conference investment letter. Registration rates coming soon.
Q: What other opportunities are there for me at the conference?
AMCHP has several opportunities to support your participation in the conference. A few of these include:
- Special networking events, as well as formal and informal opportunities to connect with other attendees from your state or region.
- Highlight your work before and during the conference through our newsletter and social media channels.
- A reduced registration rate for community organizations and tribal entities, in addition to students, youth, young adults, and family leaders.
- Financial support for interested speakers and attendees for conference registration, travel costs, or childcare.
Subscribe to our mailing list to be the first to receive updates and information about the conference! For more information, visit our AMCHP Annual Conference webpage.