Hanna Howell
Family Leadership Intern

Background & Bio 

Hanna has recently earned her B.S. in Public Health from Virginia Tech. Currently, she is pursuing her MPH with a concentration in community health promotion and equity, with one more year to go at Virginia Tech. Her dedication to maternal and child health developed through various experiences working with children. Specifically, she has developed a keen interest in family engagement, driven by her desire to amplify the voices of those with lived experiences. Hanna is eager to delve deeper into incorporating family perspectives into public health programs, policies, and initiatives. She is excited to be returning to AMCHP for another summer and looks forward to further enriching her experience in family engagement work.

My Current Work 

During the summer, Hanna will be immersed in the creation of a podcast episode for AMCHP’s official podcast, MCH Bridges, focusing on a topic related to family engagement and participation. She also will help facilitate the creation and development of a Family Delegate Mentoring Toolkit. Hanna joins us virtually from VA and will be ‘in the office’ Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays!

Ask Me About 

Family engagement, family leadership, dance, books, and music!