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Explore the set of 55 life course indicators by Category, Data Source, or Domain (tabs) and click on the names to expand the section. Individual indicators are denoted by an ID number (e.g. LC-47) and include numerous details, such as a brief description, numerator, denominator, data source, similar measures in other indicator sets, and national comparison data, where appropriate. Throughout Spring 2019, AMCHP will continue to add PDF narratives for each indicator, which will include important notes on calculating the indicator as well as information on how the indicator aligns with the data and life course screening criteria.
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American Community Survey (ACS)
LC-06: Concentrated Disadvantage
Brief Description: Proportion of households with high level of concentrated disadvantage, calculated using 5 Census variables
Narrative: PDF
Numerator: Number of households at high level of concentrated disadvantage
Denominator: Total number of households
Data Source: American Community Survey (ACS)
Similar Measures in Other Indicator Sets: None
National Comparison: National comparison not yet available; ; (for notes on calculation, please view the narrative)
LC-10: Poverty
Brief Description: Percent of population living under the Federal Poverty Level
Narrative: PDF
Numerator: Number of families below the Federal Poverty Line or FPL (determined by US Thresholds)
Denominator: Total number of families
Data Source: American Community Survey (ACS)
Similar Measures in Other Indicator Sets: HP 2020 Focus area SDOH-3; MIECHV Benchmark Area Improvements in Family Economic Self-Sufficiency: Household income (including earnings, cash benefits, and in-kind and non-cash benefits); Chronic Disease Indicator; United Health Rankings Core Measure
National Comparison: 18.60%; 2011; (for notes on calculation, please view the narrative)
LC-16: Racial Residential Segregation, by Community
Brief Description: Differential distribution of individuals by race or other social or income factors (Dissimilarity Index).
Narrative: PDF
Numerator: Number of counties with dissimilarity index (DI) > .6 (very segregated) It is standard to view cities or other geographic areas with a DI under .3 as well integrated, those with a DI value between .3 and .6 as moderately segregated, and those with values above .6 as very segregated (10). See Notes for Calculation for formula
Denominator: Total number of counties
Data Source: American Community Survey (ACS)
Similar Measures in Other Indicator Sets: None
National Comparison: Range of Dissimilarity (lowest and highest across 50 states): 0.070 to 0.49; 2011; (for notes on calculation, please view the narrative)
LC-22: Unemployment
Annual CDC Breastfeeding Report Card
LC-04: Breastfeeding Support – Baby Friendly Hospitals
Brief Description: Proportion of births occurring in baby friendly hospitals
Narrative: PDF
Numerator: Number of births at Baby-Friendly designated hospitals for a given year
Denominator: Number of births in State for a given year
Data Source: Annual CDC Breastfeeding Report Card
Similar Measures in Other Indicator Sets: HP 2020 Focus area MICH-24; MIECHV Benchmark Area Improved Maternal and Newborn Health:Breastfeeding; Chronic Disease Indicator
National Comparison: 7.15%; 2010; (for notes on calculation, please view the narrative)
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
LC-26: Diabetes
LC-29: Hypertension
LC-31: Intimate Partner Violence, Injury, Physical or Sexual Abuse
LC-32B: Obesity
LC-34: Cervical Cancer Screening
LC-43: Mental Health Among Adults
Bureau of Justice Statistics, National Prisoner Statistics Program
LC-58B: Incarceration Rate
CMS - Annual Medicaid EPSDT Participation Report
LC-19: Early Childhood Health Screening – EPSDT
Brief Description: Percent of Medicaid-enrolled children who received at least one initial or periodic screen in past calendar year
Narrative: PDF
Numerator: Number of Medicaid enrollees ages 0-21 (enrolled for 90+ continuous days) receiving at least one initial or periodic screen
Denominator: Total Medicaid-enrolled children ages 0-21 enrolled for 90+ continuous days
Data Source: CMS – Annual Medicaid EPSDT Participation Report
Similar Measures in Other Indicator Sets: Title V Health Systems Capacity Indicator #02 is similar; MIECHV Benchmark Area Improved Maternal and Newborn Health: Well-Child Visits
National Comparison: 62%; Note:This estimate uses publicly available reports and includes EPSDT data for ages children 0-20 instead of 0-21.; 2011; (for notes on calculation, please view the narrative)
Current Population Survey (CPS)
LC-40: Medical Insurance for Adults
LC-59: Voter Registration
National Comparison:
; 2012; (for notes on calculation, please view the narrative)
IDEA 618 Child Count
LC-17: Early Intervention
Brief Description: Proportion of children aged 0-3 years who received EI services of all children aged 0-3 years
Narrative: PDF
Numerator: Children aged 0-3 years receiving EI services in a given state
Denominator: All children aged 0-3 years
Data Source: IDEA 618 Child Count
Similar Measures in Other Indicator Sets: HP 2020 Focus area MICH-29
National Comparison: National comparison not yet available (for notes on calculation, please view the narrative)
Medicaid Analytical eXtract (MAX) files
LC-38: Asthma Emergency Department Utilization
; ; (for notes on calculation, please view the narrative)
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
LC-57: 4th Grade Proficiency
National Center for Education Statistics
LC-20: High School Graduation Rate
National Center for Juvenile Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
LC-58A: Incarceration Rate
; 2011; (for notes on calculation, please view the narrative)
National Immunization Survey (NIS)
LC-27: Exclusive Breastfeeding at 3 Months
LC-35: Children Receiving Age Appropriate Immunizations
National Comparison:
; 2012; (for notes on calculation, please view the narrative)
National Immunization Survey-Teen (NIS-Teen)
LC-36A: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Immunization
National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH)
LC-02: Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Children
Brief Description: Prevalence of adverse childhood experiences among children
Narrative: PDF
Numerator: Number of children whose parents responded to the NSCH that their children were exposed to adverse childhood experiences (9 questions related to ACEs)
Denominator: Total number of children
Data Source: National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH)
Similar Measures in Other Indicator Sets: MIECHV Benchmark Area Reduction in Crime or Domestic Violence: Screening for domestic violence
National Comparison: 0 Adverse Childhood Experiences= 52.07%
1 Adverse Childhood Experience= 25.32%
2 or More Adverse Childhood Experiences= 22.61%; 2011-2012; (for notes on calculation, please view the narrative)
LC-14: Perceived Experiences of Discrimination Among Children
Brief Description: Percent of children who experienced discrimination in the past year (parent report)
Narrative: PDF
Numerator: Number of children age 0-17 years who (somewhat or very) often experience racial discrimination in the past year, as reported by their parent
Denominator: Total number of children 0-17
Data Source: National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH)
Similar Measures in Other Indicator Sets: None
National Comparison: 1.21%; 2011-2012; (for notes on calculation, please view the narrative)
LC-25: Children with Special Health Care Needs
LC-28: Exposure to Second Hand Smoke in the Home
LC-32B: Obesity
LC-37: Medical Home for Children
LC-39: Inability or Delay in Obtaining Necessary Medical Care or Dental Care
LC-41: Oral Health Preventive Visit for Children
National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), SAMHSA
LC-24: Adolescent Use of Alcohol
LC-30: Illicit Drug Use
National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) Records
LC-08: Homicide Rate
LC-11: Small for Gestational Age
Brief Description: Proportion of singleton live-born infants whose birth weight is at or below the 10th percentile for a given gestational age
Narrative: PDF
Numerator: Singleton live-born infants whose birth weight is at or below the 10th percentile for a given gestational age
Denominator: Total number of singleton live births
Data Source: National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) Records
Similar Measures in Other Indicator Sets: None
National Comparison: National comparison not yet available (for notes on calculation, please view the narrative)
LC-21: Mother's Education Level at Birth
LC-45: Suicide
LC-53: Repeat Teen Birth
LC-54: Teen Births
LC-55: Preterm Birth
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
LC-13: Experiences of Race-Based Discrimination or Racism among Women
Brief Description: Percent of women who experienced discrimination right before or during pregnancy.
Narrative: PDF
Numerator: Number of women who answer Yes to the question “During the 12 months before your new baby was born, did you feel emotionally upset (for example, angry, sad or frustrated) as a result of how you were treated based on your race?”
Denominator: Total number of women who recently had a live birth
Data Source: Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
Similar Measures in Other Indicator Sets: None
National Comparison: 8.80%; 2009-2011; (for notes on calculation, please view the narrative)
LC-44: Postpartum Depression
LC-49: Diabetes During Pregnancy
; 2009-2011; (for notes on calculation, please view the narrative)
LC-52: Postpartum Contraception
The Data Quality Campaign (DQC)
LC-48: States with P-20 Longitudinal Data Sets
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Annual Assessment Report to Congress
LC-07A: Homelessness
LC-07B: Homelessness
Water Fluoridation Reporting System
LC-05: Fluoridation
WIC Program Data
LC-18: WIC Nutrition Services
Brief Description: Proportion of children aged 2-5 years receiving WIC services compared to proportion of children <185% FPL
Narrative: PDF
Numerator: Children aged 2-5 years participating in the WIC program
Denominator: Total children aged 2-5 years whose income is below 185% FPL.
Data Source: WIC program data
Similar Measures in Other Indicator Sets: MIECHV Benchmark Area Improvements in Family Economic Self-Sufficiency: Household income (including earnings, cash benefits, and in-kind and non-cash benefits)
National Comparison: National comparison not yet available (for notes on calculation, please view the narrative)
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)
LC-12: Bullying
Brief Description: Percent of 9-12th graders who reported being bullied on school property or electronically bullied
Narrative: PDF
Numerator: Number of 9th through 12th grade students (12-17 years) who reported having been bullied on school property or electronically during the past 12 months.
Denominator: 9th through 12th grade student population (12-17 years)
Data Source: Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)
Similar Measures in Other Indicator Sets: Healthy People 2020 focus area IVP-35.
National Comparison: 25.50%; 2011; (for notes on calculation, please view the narrative)