Cutting-Edge Practice
Graduated Driver License Education
State/Jurisdiction: Nebraska
Setting: Community Virtual
Population: Adolescents & Young Adults Families & Caregivers
Topic Area: Family & Youth Engagement Injury Prevention & Hospitalization
NPMs: NPM 7.2: Injury Hospitalization – Ages 10 to 19
The Graduated Driver License Education program aimed to increase parental and teen knowledge of Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) driving restrictions and subsequently lead to better enforcement and compliance with GDL laws.
Through participation in the Child Safety Collaborative Innovation and Improvement Network (CS CoIIN), the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (NE DHHS) Injury Prevention Program created, tested, and distributed a GDL education card for parents and teens. The card contains information about important elements of the GDL law, such as prohibitions on teen drivers using cell phones, driving under the influence of alcohol, and engaging in nighttime driving from midnight to 6 am unless the teen driver is going to or from school activities or work. The card also explains limitations that the law places on the number and age of passengers that teen drivers are allowed to transport and a requirement that all occupants riding with a GDL permit holder must wear a seat belt.
The card format was tested first followed by content testing with parents and their teen driver. Five schools that implement the evidence-based program Teens in the Driver’s Seat were asked to participate in a pilot program to find out the usefulness of the card. The GDL card was distributed to the 5 schools with parent surveys, teen surveys, and parent-teen driving agreements. We were interested in learning if the card contributes to increased knowledge of GDL among parents and teens and if it influences willingness to use a parent teen driving agreement.
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Implementation Handout
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (NE DHHS)
Jeanne Bietz, Motor Vehicle Safety Coordinator
(402) 417-0361
Practice Website