by Eden Desta | Apr 15, 2020 | Pulse Newsletters, Title V
Title V Block Grant and the Maternal and Child Environmental Health Network Alfred N. Romeo, R.N., Ph.D. MotherToBaby Utah Utah Department of Health Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Block Grants support improved health care and public health services for...
by Eden Desta | Apr 15, 2020 | Promoting Coverage for MCH, Pulse Newsletters
A Decade of Gains for Maternal and Child Health Stacy Collins Associate Director, Health Systems Transformation No longer considered a high-stakes experiment, the 10-year-old Affordable Care Act (ACA) is now well established in the U.S. health care system. Few health...
by Eden Desta | Feb 15, 2020 | Maternal & Infant Health, Pulse Newsletters
Bejanchong Foretia, et al AMCHP Program Analyst, Women’s & Infant Health Maternal mortality review is a standard and comprehensive system that primarily operates at the state level to identify, review, and analyze maternal deaths, disseminate...
by Eden Desta | Feb 15, 2020 | CYSHCN, Pulse Newsletters, Title V
Paige Bussanich, M.S. AMCHP Senior Program Manager, Children & Youth with Special Health Care Needs What stemmed from a strong coalition of individuals on the autism spectrum, parents of young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and other...
by Eden Desta | Feb 15, 2020 | Adolescent Health, Pulse Newsletters
How the Maternal and Child Health Bureau and Our Partners Have Made the Well-Being of Youth A Priority Iliana S. White, MPH Sr. Program Manager, Adolescent Health AMCHP With the start of 2020, we reflect on a period of life that many may choose to forget: adolescence!...