Deadlines for requesting funding levels for programs in the FY2020 Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education appropriations bill are approaching and now is the time to make sure your Senators and Representatives prioritize funding for maternal and child health!
Background: The President released his FY2020 budget proposal, which includes a $17 million proposed cut to the Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant. While we are disappointed to see that and other funding cuts proposed to critical public health programs, it’s important to recognize that it is Congress that wields the power of the purse and who will ultimately decide at what level to fund these programs. In fact, in recent years Congress has repeatedly increased funding for Title V despite proposed cuts in Presidential budgets during both Republican and Democratic administrations.
What Can You do?
- Join us in urging your Senators and Representatives to request that the Title V MCH Block Grant be funded at $698 million in FY2020! Visit AMCHP’s website for background materials including general information about Title V and state specific fact sheets.
- Contact your Representative and urge them to sign on to the DeGette-Brooks letter prioritizing federal funding for programs, including Title V, to address maternal mortality and improve maternal health by clicking here.
If you need assistance on any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact AMCHP Government Affairs staff Amy Haddad or Alyson Northrup