It is our pleasure to share the results of the 2017 board of directors election and the recent special interim elections.
These volunteer leaders were elected by you to care for AMCHP today and guide it into the future. We thank these professionals for giving their time and expertise. Here they each share their personal vision for AMCHP as they begin their new leadership terms.
Please join us in congratulating them: Visit the AMCHP board page for more details about them and information about how you can reach the leaders of AMCHP.
2017 AMCHP Board of Directors Election Results
President-Elect: Susan Chacon, B.S., M.S.W., L.I.S.W. (2017-2018)
Treasurer: Karin Downs, R.N., M.P.H. (2017-2018)
Family Representative: Gina Pola-Money, A.S. Social Sciences (2017-2020)
Region II: Marilyn Kacica, M.D., M.P.H (2017-2020)
Region III: Mary Frances Kornak, M.P.H. (2017-2020)
Region V: Shirley Payne, M.P.H. (2017-2020)
Region VII: Marcus Johnson-Miller, C.P.M., B.S. (2017-2020)
Other Special Interim Election Results
At-Large Director: Angela M. Durand (2017-2019)
Region I: Deborah Garneau, M.S. (2017-2019)
Region IV: Belinda D. Pettiford, M.P.H. (2016-2018)
Region VI: Manda Hall, M.D. (2017-2019)
Region VIII: Rachel Hutson, M.S.N., R.N., C.P.N.P. (2016-2018)
Region IX: Connie Mitchell, M.D., M.P.H. (2017-2019)
“This is an exciting yet uncertain time for AMCHP and all Title V programs across the country as we implement health care reform and wait for possible changes in all sections of government. It is important to stay informed as a program locally and nationally. AMCHP plays a vital role with its outreach to the states and the advocacy it provides nationally on behalf of MCH.” – Susan Chacon, President-Elect
“My personal vision for MCH is that all children – including those with special health needs – are raised in healthy, safe, nurturing environments to ensure optimal physical, social, and emotional well-being. Informed by an understanding of the life course, health equity model, social determinants of health, and trauma-informed care, this vision can be achieved by 1) partnering with stakeholders at the national, state, and community levels; 2) aligning national, state, and local priorities and initiatives; 3) using quantitative and qualitative data to inform program needs, development, and improvement; 4) addressing social determinants of health through public health initiatives, education, health care policy, and program development; 5) improving universal access to quality care; 6) enhancing public awareness and family and community engagement; and 7) assuring fiscal sustainability.” – Karin Downs, Treasurer
“[My visit is] to be a passionate partner with others in shaping an effective system for maternal (including paternal) and child health populations, which includes children and youth with special health care needs and their families. To impact positive attitudes and share my “never give up” attitude with others. To inspire and motivate new families and professionals to discover their crucial voices and leadership to further enhance a system of services and care based on what works at the unique and individualized family level.” – Gina Pola-Money, Family Representative
“I would like to contribute to the national work to improve the health and well-being of women, children, children with special health care needs, and families so all live healthy and successful lives in healthy environments. This will be accomplished through working with national and state leaders, organizations, and families through various collaborative approaches. These approaches will also focus on the inclusion of social justice and health equity to address the racial and economic disparities in these populations.” – Marilyn Kacica, Region II Director
“My personal vision for AMCHP is an organization that supports regional state maternal and child health programs to better affect the health of women and children, including children with special needs. My focus as Region III director will be to strengthen educational opportunities in our monthly conference calls as well as increase connectedness and sharing with members in my region on best practices to decrease health disparities.” – Mary Frances Kornak, Region III Director
“As maternal and child health transforms in the nation, it is imperative that AMCHP remains a steadfast visionary national leader in maternal and child health. AMCHP must continue to support public health leaders in the development and promotion of public health programs that ensure the optimal health of all women, children, youth, and families, including children and youth with special health care needs. AMCHP must continue to be an advocate for state leaders who often cannot advocate on their own behalves to convey the importance of support to and for the maternal and child health population.” – Shirley Payne, Region V Director
“AMCHP is a national resource for state Title V programs. AMCHP supports state programs by providing advocacy and training and sharing best practices regarding issues for women, children, CYSHCN, and families.” – Marcus Johnson-Miller, Region VII Director
“AMCHP will continue to make great strides to include families and the emerging young adults in a capacity that is meaningful, appreciated, and complete, thus allowing families and children with special health care needs the opportunities to be the best persons they can be. [My vision is] utilizing best health care practice inclusion, and with empathy realizing that disabilities are a part of human experience and come in many forms both seen and unseen.” – Angela M. Durand, At-Large Director
“My vision for the AMCHP organization is to support the state and federal partnership, ensuring quality maternal and child health and special needs services, supports, and infrastructure through championing access to best practices, providing opportunities for engaging stakeholders and thought leaders, and advocating for block grant importance at all levels of government.” – Deborah Garneau, Region I Director
“I see AMCHP as advancing groundbreaking efforts that improve the health status of all families of childbearing age. This would be inclusive of addressing health equity and utilizing the life course framework as well as engaging non-traditional partners to address social determinants of health.” – Belinda D. Pettiford, Region IV Director
“In a time of change and uncertainty, AMCHP will continue to provide leadership in maternal and child health to improve the health and well-being of our nation’s women, children, youth, and families, including those with special health care needs. With a focus on data-driven, evidence-based/informed interventions, AMCHP will continue to provide strategic direction to improve outcomes and address disparities experienced by MCH populations.” – Manda Hall, Region VI Director
“My vision for AMCHP is for it to serve as an infrastructure organization that supports effective 1) implementation of evidence-informed and population-based strategies to benefit women, children, and youth, including those with special needs; 2) comprehensive and plain-language communication and advocacy related to the benefits and impact of the MCH block grant; and 3) growth and development of the evolving MCH workforce.” – Rachel Hutson, Region VIII
“Professional associations have as a primary duty to meet the needs of their membership, which I think means being fiscally responsible, transparent in decision-making and the information used to inform those decisions, coherent in articulating strategies and priorities, inclusive of multiple perspectives, nimble in fast-moving environments but steady in terms of a commitment to better serve.” – Connie Mitchell, Region IX Director