Current Initiatives

Through our current initiatives, AMCHP supports public health programs, such as state and jurisdictional Title V Children & Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) programs, to strengthen comprehensive, coordinated systems of care that enable all children and youth to live their best life. We do this by providing Title V CYSHCN program staff with practical resources, including individualized hands-on technical assistance, that offer guidance on strategically leveraging existing resources to accelerate progress toward systems of care that produce equitable outcomes for all children. 

Current Initiatives

In this resource, developed in partnership with Child Trends, we describe a series of guiding principles around systems-level capacity building and placement and services. Although there is no one-size-fits-all model for coordination, these guiding principles are designed to give states a starting point and to set standard expectations – drawing upon the best available data and research and the lived experiences of children, their families, and the practitioners that serve them – for state-level coordination and system resilience that persevere through public health emergencies. This resource provides a set of best practices via implementation examples that aim to improve the health and well-being of those experiencing poor outcomes due to structural racism and systemic inequities, through fostering partnership between state/territorial and local public health and education programs.

Click the following to access the resource, Safeguarding Health and Education Services to Children during Public Health Emergencies: A Statement of Principles


Recent Resources & Tools