State Overview

Utah Department of Health and Human Services
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Member Directory

State Delegates

Laurie Baksh MPH
Director, Office of Maternal and Child Health
Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Family Health, Office of Maternal and Child Health
Manages the Office of Maternal and Child Health which is composed of WIC, Adolescent Health, MCH Epidemiology, Maternal and Infant Health, the Utah Women and Newborns Quality Collaborative, and the Title V Block Grant.
Amy Nance MPH
Director, Office of Children with Special Health Care Needs
Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Family Health, Office of Children with Special Health Care Needs
Manages the Office of Children with Special Health Care Needs and oversees the budget and implementation of CSHCN programs for the MCH block grant, state General Fund and other CSHCN programming, such as the Fostering Healthy Children Program.
Topic(s) of Interest:
CYSHCN, Care Coordination, Foster Care, Medical Home, Transisiton to Adulthood, Developmental Screenings, and Family Partnerships
Nickee Andjelic MS
Maternal and Infant Health Program Manager
Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Family Health, Office of Maternal and Child Health
Manages the Maternal and Infant Health Program which includes PRAMS, SOARS, maternal and infant mortality review, MotherToBaby, and maternal mental health
Topic(s) of Interest:
Contraception, preconception health, maternal mortality and morbidity, maternal mental health
Eric Christensen BA/MPH
Program Manager, Integrated Services Program
Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Family Health, Office of Children with Special Health Care Needs
Core writer for NPM's 11 and 12, Coordinate DHHS Transition and Medical Home Committees, Manage three care coordination teams: CYSHCN, Early Childhood, Afghan Refugee Early Childhood
Topic(s) of Interest:
Transition to Adulthood, LGBTQIA+ Youth, Un- Under-insured, Care Coordination, Medical Home, Primary Care, Early Childhood, Developmental Delay, Refugee Health, Early Screening, ASD
Michael Sanderson MS Sociology
Epidemiology Program Manager/SSDI Project Director
Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Family Health, Office of Maternal and Child Health
Coordinates the annual Title V MCH Block Grant report and application. Provide epidemiological support to programs within the Office of MCH and CSHCN
Topic(s) of Interest:
Health disparities, Severe Maternal Morbidity (SMM), maternal mental health
Joey Hanna BS Social Work
Utah Parent Center, Director
Utah Parent Center Executive Director Family to Family Health Information Center (F2F HIC)
CYSHCN Family Perspective
Topic(s) of Interest:
CYSHCN; Family and Professional Partnerships; Community Engagement/Outreach; Transition to Adult Life
Esperanza Re1 Linguistics, B.A.; Sociology, B.S.; Human Development & Social Policy, M.S.
Utah Parent Center, Associate Director
Family to Family Health Information Center (F2F HIC) Project Director
CYSHCN Family Perspective
Topic(s) of Interest:
CYSHCN; Family and Professional Partnerships; Community Engagement/Outreach; Transition to Adult Life
Dulce Diez MPH
Director, Office of Health Equity
Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Health Access, Office of Health Equity
Manages the Office of Health Equity
Topic(s) of Interest:
Reduce health disparities by developing data driven tools and promising/best practice; fostering evidence-based research and data disaggregation; promoting community-based participatory approach and multi-sectorial collaborations.
Dakota Matherly BA Psychology, BA Philosophy
Director, Office of Early Childhood
Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Family Health, Office of Early Childhood
Responsible for the continuous development and improvement of Utah's early childhood mixed delivery system, specifically, the 0 to 8 age range.
Topic(s) of Interest:
Autism spectrum disorder, child development, neurodivergent development, complex/challenging behaviors, data analysis, and data systems development.
Elizabeth VanSant-Webb Masters of Arts in Teaching and Masters of Education
Home Visiting Program Manager and MIECHV Project Director
Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Family Health, Office of Early Childhood
Oversees and administers all federal and state funding for evidence-based home visiting.
Topic(s) of Interest:
Systems building, strategic planning, workforce development, community engagement, and responsive service delivery

Utah MCH Members

Elizabeth Gerke MPH
Adolescent Health Program Manager
Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Family Health, Office of Maternal and Child Health
Manages the Adolescent Health Program
Topic(s) of Interest:
Adolescent health
Teresa Brechlin Bachelor of Social Work
Program Manager, Violence and Injury Prevention Program
Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Population Health, Office of Population Health
Violence and Injury Surveillance, Prevention, and Response
Topic(s) of Interest:
Shared risk and protective factors, social determinants of health, opioid prevention and response, rape prevention, suicide prevention, bullying prevention, TBI, Child fatality review, domestic violence fatality review, SUID/SDY, health equity, harm reduction
Chris Furner MS, CHES
Program Manager, Utah WIC Program
Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Family Health, Office of Maternal and Child Health
Manages the Utah WIC Program
Mykio Saraci0 MPA
Division of Family Health Financial Manager
Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Family Health
Oversee fiscal operations for all Division of Family Health programs. Our largest MCH-related grant-funded sources include Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV), Preschool Development Grant (PDG), WIC, Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant and IDEA Part C Early Intervention.
Topic(s) of Interest:
Federal grant management, best practices, funding opportunities related to anything within the family health realm.