State Overview

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Member Directory

State Delegates

Deborah Garneau MA
MCH Director, CSHCN Director, Division Deputy Director
Rhode Island Department of Health, Division of Community Family Health & Equity
Handles the administration, coordination, and leadership for RIDOH’s MCH Program initiatives and initiatives aimed at eliminating health disparities​.
Women Maternal Perinatal Infant Adolescent Children CYSHCN Families
Topic(s) of Interest:
Health Equity, Race Equity, Community Health Workers, Maternal/Infant Mortality/Morbidity
Colleen Polselli BA
CYSHCN Program Manager
Rhode Island Department of Health, Division of Community Family Health & Equity
Does development and promotion of program efforts in support of Title V and specific to Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs through contract management, program/systems development, and state/national policy leadership.
Topic(s) of Interest:
Adolescent Health Care Transition, Medical Home Portal, CYSHCN Care Coordination
Olutosin Ojugbele MD, MPH
Division Medical Director
Rhode Island Department of Health, Division of Community Family Health & Equity
Responsible for overseeing and guiding all health and medical related activities with the Division of Community Health Equity
Women Maternal Perinatal Infant Adolescent Children CYSHCN Families
Topic(s) of Interest:
Child Welfare, Birth Justice, Health Equity, Race Equity

Rhode Island MCH Members

Aidea Downie MA
Title V Coordinator, MCH Program Manager
Rhode Island Department of Health, Division of Community Family Health & Equity
Coordinates MCH priorities & strategies with Health Equity Zone activities.​ Coordinates Title V Block Grant Needs Assessment activities. ​Works to include BIPOC voices into informing MCH activities & goals. ​
Women Maternal Perinatal Infant Adolescent Children CYSHCN Families
Topic(s) of Interest:
Health Equity, Race Equity, Birth Justice, Maternal/Infant Mortality/Morbidity
Emerald Ortiz BA
Pregnancy Postpartum Death Review Committee Program Coordinator
Rhode Island Department of Health, Division of Community Family Health & Equity
Oversees all administrative activities related to CDC Maternal Mortality Surviellance Grant and the RI Pregnancy and Postpartum Death Review Committee.
Women Maternal
Topic(s) of Interest:
Maternal Mortality/Morbidity
Jim Beasley MA
Moms Psychiatric Referral Network Program Manager
Rhode Island Department of Health, Division of Community Family Health & Equity
Responsible for the daily management of the MomsPRN program, which include grants planning, implementation, reporting, and various other administrative matters.​
Women Maternal
Topic(s) of Interest:
Maternal Behavioral Health
Blythe Berger PhD
Perinatal & Early Childhood Team Lead
Rhode Island Department of Health, Division of Community Family Health & Equity
Oversees all center activities of supporting healthy birth outcomes, positive early childhood development, and school readiness, and preparation for healthy productive adulthood by providing and assuring access to quality maternal and child health services. ​
Maternal Perinatal Infant Child
Topic(s) of Interest:
Successful Start, Child Care, Family Visiting program, MIECHV, Newborn Screening, EDHI, Child Health
Sounivone Phanthavong MPH
Adolescent & School Health Program Manager
Rhode Island Department of Health, Division of Community Family Health & Equity
​Administration and leadership of RIDOH initiatives to promote healthy adolescent development, safe and healthy schools, and comprehensive reproductive health. ​Coordination of policy development, program implementation, and partner engagement to support positive youth development, coordinated school health, and accessible reproductive health.​
Topic(s) of Interest:
Family Planning, Birth Justice, Adolescent Health, School Health, Child Health
William Arias MPH
MCH Epidemiologist
Rhode Island Department of Health, Division of Public Health Information
Manage and report population-based administrative and survey data. Lead and facilitate data-driven workgroups and initiatives.​​
Women Maternal Perinatal Infant Adolescent Children CYSHCN Families
Topic(s) of Interest:
Health Equity, MCH Disparities, MCH Epidemiology
Ellen Amore MPH
SSDI Program Manager
Rhode Island Department of Health, Division of Public Health Information
Administration, coordination, and leadership for RIDOH’s MCH data initiatives and partnerships including: SSDI, KIDSNET, RIDOH's integrated child health information system, EOHHS data ecosystem, Insurers – Medicaid, MCO's, Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner , and RI Kids Count Factbook​​
Women Maternal Perinatal Infant Adolescent Children CYSHCN Families
Topic(s) of Interest:
Kidsnet, Immunization Registries, MCH Evaluation
Brooke Shea BA
Fiscal Officer
Rhode Island Department of Health, Division of Community Family Health & Equity
Provides fiscal support and monitoring for MCH grant, including with all related contracts, subawards, and purchase orders to ensure funds are expended in accordance with state and federal guidelines.​ Performs and ensures appropriate budget development and implementation, obligation of funds, expenditure tracking, and submission of federal financial reports. Meets monthly with the MCH RIDOH staff to discuss the budget and spending.​
Women Maternal Perinatal Infant Adolescent Children CYSHCN Families
Topic(s) of Interest:
MCH Fiscal Reporting, Block Grant Financial Managment Preparation and Tracking
Tara Townsend BS
Family Voices Program Manager
Rhode Island Parent Information Network
Building family and professional partnerships at community, state, and national levels.​ Convening community and state partners at our monthly Family Voices Leadership Team to discuss policies and practices to support families and children with special needs.​ Facilitating monthly support group for Caregivers with children and young adults with special health care needs​
Topic(s) of Interest:
Family to Family Health Information Network, CYSHCN Care Coordination, Medical Home Portal
Kathleen Kuiper BS, CCHW
Youth Coordinator
Rhode Island Parent Information Network
Participates and provides feedback from the family perspective on topics that affect families raising children with special needs.​ Responds to inquiries and helps problem solve issues involving system navigation.​ Promotes family and youth engagement in program planning​. Coordinates RI Medical Home Portal (MHP) project and is the adult mentor for RIDOH Youth Advisory Council. ​
CYSHCN Adolescent
Topic(s) of Interest:
Medical Home portal, YSHCN, Adolescent Transition
Haita Ndimbalan MPH
Community Outreach Specialist
Rhode Island Department of Health, Division of Community Family Health & Equity
Responsible for outreach and collaboration with communities across RI on mch disparities related projects.
Women Maternal Perinatal Infant Adolescent Children CYSHCN Families
Topic(s) of Interest:
Health Equity, MCH Disparities
Nadine Tavares BA
Health Equity Zone Project Officer & Title V Family Laison​
Rhode Island Department of Health, Division of Community Family Health & Equity
Liaison between RIDOH and several local Health Equity Zones​. Responsible for supporting community-identified priorities centered around health equity
Topic(s) of Interest:
Health Equity, MCH Disparities