State Overview

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
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Member Directory

State Delegates

Rachel Hutson MSN, RN, CPNP
Title V MCH Director/Children, Youth and Families Branch Director
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Prevention Services Division, Children, Youth and Families Branch
This position oversees the overall administration of the block grant, in addition to the other grants/programs administered through the Children, Youth and Families Branch.
Women/Maternal Perinatal/Infant Adolescent Children CYSHCN
Jennie Munthali MPH
Title V CYSHCN Director/CYSHCN Section Manager
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Prevention Services Division, Children, Youth and Families Branch
This position oversees the budget and implementation of CYSHCN strategies for the MCH block grant, state General Fund and other CYSHCN programming, such as the Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program.
Perinatal/Infant Adolescent Children CYSHCN
Lyz Riley Sanders JD, MHA
Title V MCH Deputy Director/MCH Section Manager
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Prevention Services Division, Children, Youth and Families Branch
This position oversees state and local MCH priority implementation, serves as the liaison with the MCH data and evaluation team, and coordinates the 5-year needs assessment.
Women/Maternal Perinatal/Infant Adolescent Children CYSHCN

Colorado MCH Members

Risa Friedman MPH
MCH Program Specialist
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Prevention Services Division, Children, Youth and Families Branch
This position coordinates the annual Title V Block Grant Application and Report, as well as the SSDI (State Systems Data Integration) grant. This position is also the lead on MCH communication products.
Women/Maternal Perinatal/Infant Adolescent Children CYSHCN
Ashley Juhl MSPH
Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Unit Supervisor
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Center for Health and Environmental Data
This position is the lead epidemiologies for the MCH Block Grant and the SSDI (State Systems Data Integration) grant. This position oversees MCH-related surveillance efforts, such as PRAMS (Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring Survey, National Survey of Children's Health oversample, and Baby & You (the state's panel survey of new parents). This position also oversees the Maternal Mortality Review Committee's data analysis.
Women/Maternal Perinatal/Infant Adolescent Children CYSHCN
Jodi Drisko MSPH
MCH Evaluation Manager
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Center for Health and Environmental Data
This position is the lead evaluator for the MCH Block Grant and provides evaluation consultation to state and local MCH staff in the development of logic models and action plans.
Women/Maternal Perinatal/Infant Adolescent Children CYSHCN
Dana Logsden MPH
Evaluation Specialist
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Prevention Services Division, Children, Youth and Families Branch
This position supports MCH priority evaluation, which a specialty in CYSHCN and eco0mic mobility data and evaluation.
Women/Maternal Perinatal/Infant Adolescent Children CYSHCN
Audra Bishop MA
MCH Workforce Development Section Manager
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Prevention Services Division, Children, Youth and Families Branch
This position leads the team focused on building the capacity of the state and local workforce to advance the three MCH strategic anchors of racial equity, community inclusion and moving upstream.
Women/Maternal Perinatal/Infant Adolescent Children CYSHCN
Vani Tangella MPH
Racial Equity Specialist
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Prevention Services Division, Children, Youth and Families Branch
This position provides state and local consultation to MCH staff focused on advancing racial equity. This position is the lead on the Reducing Racial Inequities MCH priority.
Women/Maternal Perinatal/Infant Adolescent Children CYSHCN
Sherry Hubbard
Fiscal Officer
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Prevention Services Division, Fiscal, Compliance, Contracts and Operations Branch
This position provides fiscal support for the MCH program and the other state and federal funding administered by the Children, Youth and Families Branch.
Women/Maternal Perinatal/Infant Adolescent Children CYSHCN
Mandy Bakulski RD, MPH
Maternal and Infant Wellness Section Manager
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Prevention Services Division, Children, Youth and Families Branch
This position oversees the budget and implementation of maternal and infant wellness strategies for the MCH block grant, state General Fund and other programming within the Maternal and Infant Wellness Section, such as the Maternal Mortality Prevention Program, the ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Prevention Program, and the Eco0mic Mobility Program.
Women/Maternal Perinatal/Infant
Lorin Wakefield MPH
MCH Adolescent Health Coordinator
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Prevention Services Division, Children, Youth and Families Branch
This position co-leads the Prosocial Connection MCH priority implementation and serves as the state's adolescent health coordinator for the MCH program.
Nichole Arp
Title V Designated Family Leader
Parent to Parent of Colorado
MCH contracts with Parent to Parent of Colorado to provide family leadership and voice for MCH program implementation.
Adelina Parral
Community Inclusion Specialist
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Prevention Services Division, Children, Youth and Families Branch
This position provides consultation to build the capacity of state and local MCH staff to advance community inclusion strategies throughout MCH implementation efforts.
Women/Maternal Perinatal/Infant Adolescent Children CYSHCN