State Overview

Arizona Department of Health Services
(602) 542-1025
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Member Directory

State Delegates

Laura Luna Bellucci MBA
Arizona MCH Director
Arizona Department of Health Services, Chief, Bureau of Women's and Children's Health
Serve as MCH Director. Bureau Chief, ADHS. Oversee statewide MCH efforts including Title V funded actvities for all population health domains.
All Population Domains
Topic(s) of Interest:
MCH Workforce training, best practices
Jessica Stewart-Gonzalez MPA
Arizona CYSHCN Director
Arizona Department of Health Services, Chief, Bureau of Women's and Children's Health
Oversees Office of Children's Health activities and funding including MIECHV
Perinatal/Infant Children CYSHCN
Martin Celaya MPH
Chief, Bureau of Assessment and Evaluation
Arizona Department of Health Services, Bureau of Assessment and Evaluation
All Population Domains
Ashley Neves MPH
Block Grants Program Manager
Arizona Department of Health Services, Chief, Bureau of Women's and Children's Health
In my area, I oversee the Title V Block Grant Application process for the State of Arizona.
All Population Domains
Dawn Bailey
Family Delegate
Arizona Department of Health Services, Chief, Bureau of Women's and Children's Health
Family/Community/Lived Experience Engagement
All Population Domains
Topic(s) of Interest:
Increasing Lived Experience in MCH Workforce and program development
Siman Qaasim MBA
Assistant Director
Arizona Department of Health Service Division of Policy and Intergovernmental Affairs
In my area, I oversee the Office of Health Equity who works with populations across Arizona who are impacted by health disparities and health challenges.
Marlene Hernandez MPH,RD
Arizona WIC Director
Arizona Department of Health Services, Bureau of Nutrition & Physical Activity
Arizona WIC Director, Bureau Chief, Nutrition & Physical Activity
All Population Domains

Arizona MCH Members

Angie Lorenzo
Chief, Office of Women's Health
Arizona Department of Health Services, Chief, Bureau of Women's and Children's Health
Women/Maternal Adolescent
Erik Anderson
Business Finance Manager
Arizona Department of Health Services, Chief, Bureau of Women's and Children's Health
Oversee BWCH finances
All Population Domains
Julia Wacloff MSPH, RDH
Program Administrator, Access to Care
Arizona Department of Health Services, Chief, Bureau of Women's and Children's Health
Oversee the core functions related to policy development, quality assurance and needs assessment related to oral health and access to care programs.
All Population Domains
Topic(s) of Interest:
Coalition building and sustainability, emerging trends, value -based care
Edith DiSanto MPH
Chief, Primary Care Office
Arizona Department of Health Services, Chief, Bureau of Women's and Children's Health
Oversee the data and evaluation for Health Professional Shortage Areas, and lead the recruitment and retention efforts of health care professionals workforce.
All Population Domains
Topic(s) of Interest:
Access to care, recruitment and retention for workforce, health disparities
Erin Ogram
Arizona Department of Health Services, Bureau of Assessment and Evaluation
Gerilene Haskon MPH
Tribal Liaison
Arizona Department of Health Service Division of Policy and Intergovernmental Affairs
 I am passionate about tribal maternal and child health and my role as Tribal Liaison will allow me to work specifically with the MCH/CYSHCN American Indian/Alaskan Native population in Arizona. 
Topic(s) of Interest:
Tribal MCH/Title V data support and policy that I can share with tribes. 
Antonio Hernandez MEP
Community Integration Officer
Arizona Department of Health Service Division of Policy and Intergovernmental Affairs