Welcome to the MCH Innovations Database, is a searchable repository of “what’s working” in MCH (aka practice-based evidence) which includes effective practices and policies from the field that are positively impacting MCH populations. Practices are assessed along a continuum and receive a designation of Cutting-Edge, Emerging, Promising, or Best depending on their work’s demonstrated impact, among other criteria. Policies are assessed along four dimensions of Evidence, Equity, Relevance, and Impact and then given a designation of Evidence-Informed Policy Development, Policy Implementation, or Policy Evaluation.
For additional MCH specific evidence-based/informed strategies, check out the MCHbest Database which summarizes the science of what works from the peer-reviewed literature.
Promising Practice
United Way Family Center
The United Way Family Center (UWFC) pairs embedded clinical supports with high quality early childhood education to promote the educational attainment of young parents and their children while developing parenting and leadership skills. The UWFC utilizes a trauma-informed, attachment-based model to increase safety and stability for its families to support families in overcoming barriers to their educational success.
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Mothers Rising Home Visiting Program
The Mothers Rising Home Visiting program (MRHV) integrates social and health intervention methods employing social proximity, cultural congruence, MV Perinatal Health Worker training, and a 3-generation approach to yield improved perinatal outcomes and social conditions for black women, creating stability for the family unit, and improving trajectories for multiple generations and the greater community.
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Maternal and Child Health Programs & Child Welfare: A New Partnership in Connecticut to Improve Child Outcomes
This training practice increased the knowledge of Child Welfare staff in Connecticut on young child development and recognizing developmental milestones, how to identify red flags, document those interactions, concerns, and make beneficial referrals.
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Newborn Screening Education Best Practice Framework
The Newborn Screening Education Best Practice Framework is intended to help users design and evaluate approaches to newborn screening awareness building and education efforts. This framework will guide them through the process of selecting contextually appropriate newborn screening education approaches.
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Nurse Education Webinar Series (NEWS)
The Nurse Education Webinar Series (NEWS) is a distance learning opportunity offered to school nurses throughout Missouri as a way to address their unmet professional development needs.
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Parent Coaching Within a Pediatric Primary Care Practice
Parent Coaching Within a Pediatric Primary Care addresses the increasing need for pediatric practices to provide holistic care to their patients by embedding parent coaches within pediatric practices to intervene swiftly and mitigate the potential for negative long-term health and social concerns.
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PASOs Connections for Child Development
PASOs Connections for Child Development addresses the specific strengths and challenges of Latino families with young children in a new immigrant settlement area. It uses a culturally tailored, early identification and referral model, that aims to address the screening gaps and deficits related to school readiness often experienced by Latino children.
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Using Barbershops to teach Period of PURPLE Crying/Infant Development
This pilot project adapted Period of PURPLE Crying (POPC) materials from the National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome (NCSBS) to appeal to men in Tulsa-area barbershops. The goal of the practice was to increase the number of African American men in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area who recognize infant crying as normal development, have reasonable expectations for crying episodes, and could share this knowledge with others.
Read MoreBest Practice
One Key Question®
One Key Question® is a transformative tool for health and social service providers that starts the conversation about if, when, and under what circumstances women want to get pregnant and have a child.
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Rhode Island Health Equity Zones
Rhode Island’s Health Equity Zone initiative is an innovative, community‐led, place‐based model that brings people in a defined geographic area together to create healthy places for people to live, learn, work, and play.
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Facilitating Attuned Interactions (FAN) Training
The Facilitating Attuned Interactions (FAN) intervention aims to enhance the “attunement” between providers and parents and strengthen the provider-parent relationship. FAN’s ultimate goal is strengthening the provider-parent relationship, resulting in parents who are attuned to their children and ready to try new ways of relating to them.
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Youth Advisory Council
The Youth Advisory Council is comprised of youth and young adults who have demonstrated leadership through their involvement with Dare to Dream or other statewide youth initiatives and have an interest in helping their peers who want to improve their school and communities. The Council provides feedback and collaborates with the Office of Special Needs on a variety of activities, programs, policies, and resources that affect the health, wellness, and transitional needs of youth in the State.
Read MoreThis project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U01MC00001 Partnership for State Title V MCH Leadership Community Cooperative Agreement ($1,696,335). This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.