Learn more about federal legislation to improve maternal and child health with the table below. Search by keywords or filter legislation by legislative status, lead sponsor(s), bipartisan status, population impacted, topic(s), or Congressional committee(s). The bill tracker was first launched in 2021 and is updated regularly to track legislation benefitting the health of women, children, and families. If you experience issues loading the tracker in Internet Explorer, we recommend using Chrome, FireFox or Edge. For questions, comments, or corrections, please email govtaffairs@amchp.org. Last updated: November 25, 2024.

Note: Legislation included in the AMCHP Maternal and Child Health Bill Tracker must meet the following qualifications: 1) the legislation must maintain, expand, or improve access to health care services for MCH populations; 2) at least one section of the legislative text must be devoted to the health of MCH populations. For more information, contact govtaffairs@amchp.org.