A Pilot Food Bank Intervention Featuring Diabetes-Appropriate Food Improved Glycemic Control Among Clients In Three States.

Country: United States
State / Locale: Corpus Christi, TX; Santa Rosa, CA; Grove City, OH
Population: low-income diabetics
Community Engagement (IAP2 Spectrum): Consult
Equity: People Place

Study Description:
This study focused on an area where diabetes interventions for people who don't have enough food haven't been studied much. They tested a new approach using food banks and their partner pantries to help people with diabetes. The test had four parts: checking for diabetes and tracking blood sugar, giving out diabetes-friendly food every month or two, sending people without regular healthcare to doctors, and teaching about managing diabetes. People eligible for the study were found through clinics, and those coming to the pantry got free diabetes checks. Boxes of healthy diabetes-friendly food were given out, dietitians and certified diabetes experts planned what went in the boxes. Comparing before and after the intervention, people's average blood sugar levels improved, going from 8.11% to 7.96%. The study also found that people ate more fruits and vegetables, felt more confident in managing their diabetes, and had less trouble affording medicine or food.

Seligman, H. K., Lyles, C., Marshall, M. B., Prendergast, K., Smith, M. C., Headings, A., ... & Waxman, E. (2015). A pilot food bank intervention featuring diabetes-appropriate food improved glycemic control among clients in three states. Health affairs, 34(11), 1956-1963.