Best Practice
Supporting Partnerships to Assure Ready Kids (SPARK) Kindergarten Readiness Program
State/Jurisdiction: Ohio
Setting: Community Home
Population: Children Families & Caregivers Infant
Topic Area: Safe and Connected Communities Family & Youth Engagement
NPMs: NPM 6: Developmental Screening NPM 13.2: Preventative Dental Visit – Child/Adolescent
Each SPARK family is assigned a specially trained home visitor, known as a parent partner, who visits the home one to two times a month to conduct lessons and activities. Each participating family completes a health and trauma screening during intake. The parent partner administers the ASQ-3 and ASQ-SE2 to identify delays and social-emotional concerns, and they gauge children’s skill levels by administering the Preschool Early Numeracy and Get Ready to Read screeners. The PICCOLO checklist is used to guide observation of parents’ teaching skills. Using results from assessments conducted during intake, the parent partner and parent collaborate to create a learning plan tailored to the individual child’s needs. That learning plan is revisited every nine weeks to ensure progress and to tailor the program to the individual child’s needs.
If a child is experiencing learning challenges, those challenges must be addressed before the child will be ready for school. Toward that end, SPARK’s responsive services process facilitates access to needed services and interventions. This ensures the child can begin school ready and excited to learn.
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Implementation Handout
Early Childhood Resource Center
Danielle Bunner
Practice Website