Promising Practice
Rapid Adolescent Prevention Screening (RAAPS)
State/Jurisdiction: Michigan
Setting: Clinical
Population: Adolescents & Young Adults Medical & Public Health Professionals
Topic Area: Health Screening Injury Prevention & Hospitalization Data Assessment & Evaluation
NPMs: NPM 7.2: Injury Hospitalization – Ages 10 to 19 NPM 9: Bullying
Nearly 75% of serious injury and premature death in youth is a result of preventable, risky behaviors. Most leading healthcare organizations recommend the use of a standardized, validated screening tool for annual comprehensive risk screening in youth. The Rapid Adolescent Prevention Screening© (RAAPS) is a standardized, validated youth risk screening and health education solution developed to support professionals in reducing the risk factors impacting the health, well-being, and academic success of youth 9-24 years. RAAPS was designed to overcome the real-world barriers of time, workflow, knowledge, skills and youth engagement. With only 21 questions, RAAPS can be completed in just 5 minutes and standardization ensures that every youth is screened the same way every time – regardless of the experience or comfort-level of the professional administering the screening. RAAPS also integrates behavior change science and cutting edge technology that embeds digital empathy, to not only identify youth risk, but deliver evidence-based health education to youth that has been shown to be most effective at reducing youth risk. Youth-involvement in the development of the screening questions and health education has helped to increase engagement, health-literacy, and age-specific relevance. RAAPS has been recognized by leading health organizations for use as an effective clinical tool for comprehensive adolescent risk screening, including: the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Adolescent Health (OAH), the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM), the National School Based Health Alliance (SBHA), The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the Children’s Hospital Association (CHA) - RAAPS-PH.
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Implementation Handout
Program Overview
Possibilities for Change
Jennifer Salerno
(810) 333-1347
Practice Website