Promising Practice

Ohio Gestational Diabetes Postpartum Care Learning Collaborative

State/Jurisdiction: Ohio
Setting: Clinical
Population: Medical & Public Health Professionals Women & Maternal
Topic Area: Access to Quality Healthcare Primary & Preventative Care Care Coordination Birth Outcomes

In 2010, the Ohio Department of Health’s (ODH) maternal and child health and chronic disease programs joined together to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in women with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). The team worked to ensure health care practitioners provided preconception, postpartum, and ongoing care for women to prevent GDM and T2DM; to educate women of child-bearing age about GDM and T2DM risks and increase their access to care to reduce their risk of T2DM; and to enhance understanding of the epidemiology of GDM in Ohio. Beginning in 2013, the team focused its aim on increasing receipt of postpartum T2DM screening, with special emphasis on Medicaid-insured women. In partnership with the Ohio Colleges of Medicine Government Resource Center (GRC), the Ohio Gestational Diabetes Postpartum Care Learning Collaborative was launched to achieve this aim through development of resources and implementation of quality improvement (QI). Improve prenatal education related to GDM, and to increase postpartum education and screening for T2DM among women with GDM Improve the rate of assessments done for women at high risk for T2DM, and to increase the rate of T2DM screenings among women with a history of GDM or at risk for T2DM. The project currently employs the Institute of Healthcare Improvement model for improvement methodology to identify, test, and share best practices for improving prenatal education, timely screening for GDM and follow up screenings for T2DM, postpartum visit rates, and postpartum care coordination between OB/GYNs, Diabetes Educators, and Primary Care Providers. Several resources have been developed to date including clinical provider toolkits, consumer resources (English, Spanish, French, Somali and Arabic), educational presentations, data analysis and feedback, and quality improvement tools.

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