Best Practice
Healthy Babies Are Worth the Wait – Kentucky
State/Jurisdiction: Kentucky
Setting: Community
Population: Medical & Public Health Professionals Infant
Topic Area: Safe and Connected Communities Care Coordination Birth Outcomes
NPMs: NPM 2: Low-Risk Cesarean Delivery
The program objective is to decrease preterm birth rates in targeted areas. This goal is identified by the local health department who agrees to work with the local community to build systems with linkage to public health or clinical supports and resources to address care needs and modifiable risk factors for premature births. This includes positive prevention messaging, education, and addressing the needs of the pregnant woman clinically, socially, emotionally, or in areas impacted by social determinants. This model includes quality improvement activities to eliminate non-medically indicated inductions/cesarean births prior to 39 weeks, prenatal care clinical services, preconception/interconception care, folic acid promotion and use, access to referral services, early childhood home visitation programs, health literacy and cultural or linguistic competency, nutrition education and guidance, oral health screening and referral and screening evaluation for substance use, smoking with counseling and treatment referral. This program is a collaborative program with the Kentucky March of Dimes Chapter.
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Implementation Handout
Kentucky Maternal and Child Health, Department for Public Health
Jan Bright
502-564-2154; Ext. 4405
Practice Website