Emerging Practice
Alaska Childhood Understanding Behaviors Survey (CUBS)
State/Jurisdiction: Alaska
Setting: Home
Population: Children Women & Maternal
Topic Area: Health Screening Data Assessment & Evaluation
NPMs: NPM 6: Developmental Screening
Alaska Childhood Understanding Behaviors Survey (CUBS) is a three year follow-up survey to Alaska PRAMS that has been ongoing since 2008. CUBS surveys are sent to all PRAMS respondents who still live in Alaska and whose child was living with them at the time they responded to PRAMS. Similar to PRAMS, surveys are sent first by mail, with phone follow-up with non-respondents. An online survey option is planned for 2022. Annual data are weighted back to the original birth cohort so results are generalizable.
CUBS seeks to fill the gap in information about the health, behaviors and early childhood experiences of young children before they enter school. The questionnaire also includes items specific to maternal and family experiences, such as employment, home safety, mental health, family stressors and supports. The survey questions are modified every three to five years. By using the methodology of re-interviewing parents who completed a PRAMS survey, CUBS is able to evaluate those factors present at birth or early life that increase risk for later adverse childhood outcomes.
Alaska CUBS provides statewide population-level data not available from other sources about preschool-age children in Alaska. Uses of data include: to evaluate and improve program implementation and delivery of health and wellness services for mothers and young children, to identify groups of parents and children at high risk for health problems, to monitor changes in health status, to evaluate those factors that increase or reduce risk for later adverse outcomes, and to measure progress towards goals in improving the health of families in Alaska.

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Implementation Handout
Phase 6 Survey
Alaska Division of Public Health, Section of Women's, Children's, and Family Health
Margaret Young
Practice Website