by Chery Manon Espinal | Mar 29, 2023 | Blog, Blogs & Podcasts, Board, News Releases
The Governance Committee is seeking nominations for the 2023 AMCHP Board of Directors election. As a board director, you would help shape the policies and positions of AMCHP, represent your Title V peers from across the country, ensure the organization’s future...
by Eden Desta | Nov 15, 2022 | News Releases
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New Appointments to the AMCHP Board of Directors include 3 additions, bringing the number of Board members to seventeen. Washington, DC – The Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (AMCHP) is pleased to announce that...
by Eden Desta | May 23, 2022 | Government Affairs, Legislative Updates, Maternal & Infant Health, News Releases
Dear Chair Murray and Ranking Member Blunt: As you develop the Fiscal Year 2023 (FY2023) Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies appropriations bill, we urge you to provide $100 million for the Surveillance for Emerging Threats...
by Eden Desta | May 16, 2022 | Government Affairs, Legislative Updates, News Releases
Dear Chair Murray and Ranking Member Blunt: Our nation continues to face a crisis in maternal health. As you develop the appropriations legislation for Fiscal Year 2023, we encourage you to prioritize the highest possible funding level for the below programs that seek...
by Eden Desta | Apr 27, 2022 | Government Affairs, Legislative Updates, Maternal & Infant Health, News Releases
Dear Chair DeLauro and Ranking Member Cole: Our nation continues to face a crisis in maternal health. As you develop the appropriations legislation for Fiscal Year 2023, we encourage you to prioritize the highest possible funding level for the below programs that seek...
by Chery Manon Espinal | Mar 11, 2022 | COVID-19, News Releases
Washington, D.C. – Today, the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (AMCHP) announced that it stands by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics, and other public health and clinical experts’...