Background & Bio
Eden Bezy is the Director of the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Division at the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH). In this role, she oversees the development and administration of policies and programming related to improving the health of mothers, babies, and families across the lifespan. Eden has served in governmental public health since 2011, first providing direct service case management to pregnant and parenting teens at the county health department, then transitioning to the state health department to serve in administrative and leadership positions. She received her Bachelor of Science (BS) in Applied Health Science—Dietetics from Indiana University Bloomington, and her Master of Public Health (MPH) from the Fairbanks School of Public Health at Indiana University Purdue University.
During her time at ISDH Eden has served in multiple roles across a wide variety of subject areas, including healthy eating and active living, policy development and review, public health accreditation, quality improvement, workforce development, and strategic planning. Over the past two years, she led the authorship of Indiana’s State Health Assessment and Improvement Plan, ISDH’s strategic plan, and the deployment of impactful quality improvement projects.
In her current role as MCH director, Eden oversees the Genomics and Newborn Screening Program, MCH Epidemiology Team, state and federal home visiting programs, Title V funded maternal, youth, and adolescent programs, hospitals’ Levels of Care and Perinatal Centers of Care, perinatal substance use, Mom’s Family Helpline, and the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention program. Eden hopes to use her experience in policy development and strategic planning to help plan for the future of MCH services in Indiana.