Emerging Practice

The Ohio Pregnancy Associated Mortality Review: The Use of Simulation Training to Prepare for Obstetric Emergencies

State/Jurisdiction: Ohio
Setting: Clinical
Population: Medical & Public Health Professionals Women & Maternal
Topic Area: Access to Quality Healthcare Health Promotion & Communication Reproductive Health Birth Outcomes Workforce Development
NPMs: NPM 2: Low-Risk Cesarean Delivery

The Ohio Pregnancy Associated Mortality Review: The Use of Simulation Training to Prepare for Obstetric Emergencies project sought to reduce pregnancy-related maternal deaths by implementing a series of simulation trainings for medical and nursing staff working primarily within low-resource birthing centers in Ohio. The trainings focused on four common clinical scenarios: postpartum hemorrhage, cardiomyopathy, opioid overdose, and preeclampsia/hypertensive emergency. The overall goals of this project were to: prepare maternity departments to participate in patient safety initiatives., provide education on common clinical issues to obstetrical care, and improve access to training programs for low-resource birthing centers.

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Implementation Handout

Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Cynthia Shellhaas

Practice Website