AMCHP Observes Autism Awareness Month
April 11, 2018

The number of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Disabilities (ASD/DD) has increased considerably in recent years. Recent prevalence estimates find that one in 68 children is identified with having ASD.i The rising incidence of ASD and heightened focus on early identification and intervention have led to an increased demand on states to develop and improve systems of care to assure that all children receive early developmental screening and those with ASD/DD receive timely identification, diagnosis, and intervention services. State programs, including Title V children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) programs, are implementing and coordinating efforts to improve systems and services for children with ASD/DD and their families.

The State Public Health Autism Resource Center (SPHARC) is a comprehensive web-based resource center intended to provide ongoing technical assistance and facilitate cross-state learning to increase the capacity of states, particularly Title V programs, in developing and implementing systems of care for children and youth with ASD/DD through resource development, technical assistance, and peer learning.

SPHARC is hosting a virtual coffee talk in honor of Autism Awareness Month! Tune in to hear from expert speakers and engage with your peers on autism-related hot topics. Check out our Autism Awareness Month webpage to register directly to the event and browse links to our partners’ websites for more information.

i Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children Aged 8 Years – Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 11 sites, United States, 2010. MMWR. 2014;63 (No. SS 2):1-21.