Cutting-Edge Practice
Safe Infant Sleep Shelter Program
State/Jurisdiction: Georgia
Setting: Community
Population: Families & Caregivers Infant
Topic Area: Injury Prevention & Hospitalization
NPMs: NPM 5: Safe Sleep
DPH developed the Safe Infant Sleep Shelter Program to expand and focus the Georgia Safe to Sleep campaign efforts. The program focused on housing support agencies and domestic violence shelters serving caregivers who were pregnant or with young infants. Resources for the shelters included provision of portable cribs for agency use, DPH’s safe sleep education, and assistance with creating or updating agency safe sleep policies. Agencies could also request portable cribs for the families to take with them when transitioning to more permanent housing as well as “Safe sleep baby bundle” care packages. The baby bundles contained educational support materials such as a “this side up” onesie, a wearable blanket, “Sleep Baby Safe and Snug” board book and other educational materials. The Shelter Program was designed to address the unique needs of families with unstable housing.
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Implementation Handout
Georgia Safe to Sleep Campaign Shelter Program
Georgia Department of Public Health
Terri Miller
Practice Website