Representing BirthMatters at the 2024 AMCHP Annual Conference: Feeling the Pride of Partnership with AMCHP
August 2024

By Amber Pendergraph-Leak, CD(DONA), CLC, CHW, CMA, Executive Director, BirthMatters, and recipient of this year’s Innovation Hub Partnership Award


About BirthMatters

BirthMatters LogoHello! I am Amber Pendergraph-Leak, the Executive Director of BirthMatters, a South Carolina organization that collaborates with AMCHP through innovation hub replication projects. Our focus at BirthMatters is on bridging the gap in maternal and child health disparities, particularly among Black and Brown birthing individuals. We offer doula services at no charge to expecting mothers under 25, aiming to empower them to cultivate healthy families through the assistance of doulas. Our approach involves a community health worker model.

From 24 weeks gestation through the initial postpartum year, BirthMatters doulas engage with their clients weekly, either at home or within healthcare settings. They provide continuous support during labor and delivery and extend services until the child reaches one year of age. Despite BirthMatters being relatively small in size, our impact is significant in addressing the lack of doula reimbursement in Spartanburg, meeting the demand for accessible doula care. This led to a substantial program expansion, establishing affiliate sites statewide in response to the community’s needs.

We take pride in our adopted model that places emphasis on culturally congruent care and a community-centered approach. BirthMatters serves as a unique and comprehensive resource center where community doulas empower individuals in their parental roles and assist in navigating healthcare systems, accessing behavioral health services, and acquiring resources for their infants. Additionally, BirthMatters reinvests in the community by offering free doula training and subsequently hiring individuals who have completed these training sessions. Our commitment extends to providing educational, physical, and emotional support within the community.

Joining Forces with AMCHP and Other Partners

Amber Pendergraph-Leak accepting her Innovation Hub Partnership Award at the 2024 AMCHP Annual Conference. The award is presented by Lynda Krisowaty, AMCHP's Associate Director of Evidence and Implementation.The opportunity to replicate our successful evidence-based model through our collaboration with AMCHP perfectly aligns with our mission to reduce teen pregnancy through reproductive health education and empower expectant young adults to raise healthy families.

The learning I gained from attending the AMCHP 2024 annual conference deeply resonated with the work we do at BirthMatters. Partnering with like-minded organizations allows all of us to show the impact of our community-focused initiatives, tackle existing challenges, and celebrate successes. Engaging directly with national partners fosters valuable connections that enhance the collaborative spirit propelling our individual and joint initiatives.

Implementing purposeful partnerships allows us to form meaningful and strategic collaborations to achieve specific objectives effectively as we clearly define objectives, meticulously select compatible partners, foster transparent communication, and leverage each partner’s strengths for mutual progress.

Participating in AMCHP’s 2024 annual conference as both an attendee and as a recipient of the Innovation Hub Partnership award in recognition of the accomplishments of BirthMatters was an honor and a privilege. My conference takeaways/highlights were as follows:

  • I expanded my understanding of the evolving landscape in the MCH field.
  • I broadened my knowledge through the exchange of information on best practices and resources among MCH professionals through workshops, roundtables, and presentations on a wide array of topics. Engaging with colleagues, experts, and stakeholders taught me so much about best practices and available resources.
  • I gained insight on advancing equity, fostering strong partnerships, and enhancing engagement within the MCH sector through plenary sessions, interactive discussions and showcases, both in-person and virtually, with speakers, AMCHP staff, and peers.

As the practice representative for BirthMatters, I eagerly anticipate contributing to the forthcoming coaching initiatives under the AMCHP 2024-2025 Replication Project, solidifying our dedication to creating positive impacts and sustainable progress within our community.