Join AMCHP in Honoring Mental Health Awareness Month in May
May 14, 2024

Every year in May, our country recognizes Mental Health Awareness Month, which aims to increase awareness of and destigmatize mental health by providing relevant information and resources. Started by Clifford W. Beers, the founder of Mental Health America, this annual one-week awareness campaign was originally intended to celebrate recovery from mental illness and to educate the general public on mental health conditions. Launched in 1949 as a full month, Mental Health Awareness Month now seeks to increase awareness of the state of mental health in the United States.

AMCHP’s Efforts to Create a Workplace Environment Supportive of Well-being

Over the past several years, AMCHP has collaborated with staff to better understand how work can exacerbate mental health challenges and to identify strategies to promote a supportive environment, resulting in our “Creating a Workplace Environment Supportive of Well-Being” statement in 2023 and the following three organizational changes:

  • An expanded sick leave policy for staff to use days for mental health, safety, and wellness.
  • A more inclusive bereavement leave policy to support staff through loss.
  • Continued confidential support service via an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), that is open to staff and their family members that may need mental health support.

As a part of Mental Health Awareness Month, AMCHP staff reflected on what mental health means to them via a word cloud that can be viewed below.

Graphic that reads: What does mental health mean to you? coping well, people that are there for me, communication, breath, feeling seen, acceptance, at rest, control, important, comfortable, quiet, sleep, filling my cup, manageable stress, calm, health, balance, peace, wellness, presence, hard and soft rests, feeling centered, underwhelmed, time for processing, happiness, gratefulness, me-time, support, happy, present, slowing down.

Staff also reviewed the different mental health resources available to them at AMCHP. Throughout the rest of the month, staff will be sharing their insights and reflections on mental health via weekly prompts that align with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) weekly themes and key messages.

In what ways is your organization actively supporting the mental health of its staff? If there is room for growth, how can you take the first step to work towards a safe and supportive workplace and proactively address staff’s mental health needs? Join us in honoring Mental Health Awareness Month by reaffirming your commitment to the mental health and well-being of your staff.

Partner Resources to Promote Mental Health Awareness Month

Looking for ways to promote Mental Health Awareness Month? Several leading mental health organizations, including the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), SAMHSA, and Mental Health America, have created ready-to-use toolkits with relevant messaging and resources.