MCH Bridges Episode #4 – Preparing for the Unexpected: Lessons from MCH Emergency Preparedness & Response Efforts
April 27, 2022

Guest Speakers:

  • Tobi Amosun, Assistant Commissioner, Tennessee Department of Health, Division of Family Health and Wellness.
  • Jacquie Johnson, Section Chief, Children and Youth with Special Needs, Tennessee Department of Health.
  • Camille Delgado-López, Coordinator Surveillance for Emerging Threats to Mothers and Babies, Puerto Rico Department of Health.

Take a brief break to listen to our latest MCH Bridges podcast episode! In this episode, our guest speakers discuss emergency preparedness as essential to keeping families safe and promoting health and well-being in challenging situations. Learn how Tennessee has intentionally centered communities of color in response efforts and Puerto Rico’s experience facing emergencies like Zika, Hurricane Maria, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

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