COVID-19 Resources
CDC Allows Novavax Monovalent COVID-19 Boosters for Adults Ages 18 and Older
On October 19, CDC’s Director Rochelle P. Walensky, M.D., M.P.H., signed a decision memo allowing Novavax monovalent COVID-19 boosters for adults. This action gives people ages 18 years and older the option to receive a Novavax monovalent booster instead of an updated (bivalent) Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna booster if they have completed primary series vaccination but have not previously received a COVID-19 booster—and if they cannot or will not receive mRNA vaccines. [continue reading]
Recent CDC News
AMCHP COVID-19 Resources and Vaccination Pages
AMCHP is committed to working alongside our federal agency and organizational partners to gather available information, resources, and guidance specific to our MCH population during the COVID-19 pandemic. These resources are on our website for your convenience and are updated regularly as untapped resources become available. Find out more about vaccinating MCH populations to stay up to date on well-care during the pandemic here.
AMCHP Announcements
Never miss our updates! Sign up for our newsletters here, and follow us on Twitter (@DC_AMCHP), LinkedIn (Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs), Facebook (AMCHPofficial), and Instagram (@DC_AMCHP).
New MCH Bridges Podcast – Queering Perinatal Mental Health
Our newest MCH Bridges episode is now live! Episode 10 – “Queering Perinatal Mental Health.”
In this episode, Leo Andreas (he/him) and Jenna “JB” Brown (they/he) join us to explore the unique perinatal mental health experiences of queer, trans, and gender non-conforming people. Leo, a dad of a two-year-old, shares his mental health experiences of his journey to parenthood. And JB, a full-spectrum doula and community educator, explains the positive impact person-centered, radically inclusive care can have on the mental health of queer, trans, and gender non-conforming people during the perinatal period. Tune in now to listen to episode 10 and check out a list of suggested resources.
This episode discusses mental health issues and mentions suicide. If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts or a crisis, please reach out immediately to the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or text HOME to the Crisis Text Line at 741741. Additionally, the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline provides support before, during, and after pregnancy. Call or text 1-833-9-HELP4MOMS (1-833-943-5746). TTY users can use a preferred relay service or dial 711 and then 988 or 1-833-943-5746. Both services are free, confidential, and available 24/7.
Share with your peers and listen to this and other episodes on, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Overcast.
Why tune in to MCH Bridges?
MCH Bridges is intended to help our listeners create new connections to MCH leaders, organizations, and ideas. We aim to inspire and guide listeners toward actions that will improve the systems that impact MCH populations.
Who should listen to MCH Bridges?
MCH Bridges is designed for Title V MCH & CYSHCN leaders, state and jurisdictional health department staff, individuals with lived experience and their families, MCH faculty and students, public health professionals, and others wanting to learn more about supporting MCH populations and equitable systems of care.
Invitation to Member Forum – First Look at AMCHP’s Journey to 2027
Members of AMCHP, please join AMCHP’s CEO, Terrance E. Moore, for a member convening to preview our strategic plan, core areas of work, and strategic objectives on Wednesday, November 9, at 2:00 PM EDT. Register now at this link.
You’re Invited! AMCHP’s Title V Block Grant Coordinators Networking Group
Are you a Title V Block Grant Coordinator and/or do your responsibilities include coordination of your jurisdiction’s block grant activities and/or writing and submission of the yearly application and annual report? If so, you’re invited to join AMCHP’s Title V Block Grant Coordinators Networking Group! By joining the group, you’ll have access to quarterly networking calls with your peers across the country as well as an online resource page that includes examples and resources from your colleagues on how they approach their work. There are no obligations or expectations to join the group—you can engage as much or as little feels comfortable for you. If you’d like to be added to the group or have any questions, please email Anna Corona (
Newly Launched Early Childhood Nutrition + AYA Mental Health E-Learning Modules!
AMCHP is excited to announce the launch of two series of e-learning modules focused on early childhood nutrition and mental health in adolescents and young adults (AYAs)! Our learning modules are intended to help practicing and aspiring maternal, child, and adolescent health (MCAH) professionals explore and deepen their understanding of critical topics and processes. Please contact with questions or recommendations.
Title V and Early Childhood Nutrition Series:
This series is developed for Title V staff interested in learning how to incorporate early childhood nutrition more fully into their work. The five modules share key concepts and definitions in early childhood nutrition and introduce the Policy Systems and Environmental Change Framework. Each lever within the framework is illustrated using examples of efforts supported by state Title V programs or implemented by community-rooted organizations. Users engage in key concepts through interactive imagery, videos of example efforts, and knowledge checks. They are intended to provide Title V programs with new ideas and inspiration on how to be a critical partner to communities for positive and equitable impact in early childhood nutrition. The topics covered by each module include:
- Understanding the Impact of Historical Racism on Early Child Nutrition: Learn about the effects of structural racism on food systems that impact early childhood nutrition.
- Integrating Early Child Nutrition into Title V: Building the Foundation: Explore why Title V programs should support early child nutrition in their work and introduce policy, systems, and an environmental change framework that structures the rest of the modules.
- Changing Policies: Institutionalizing Positive Nutrition Support: Understand specific policy changes state & community organizations have made to integrate early childhood nutrition.
- Changing Systems: Improving the Nutrition Network for Infants and Toddlers: Understand specific systems changes state and community organizations have made to support early childhood nutrition.
- Changing the Environment: Increasing Access to Nutritious Foods: Learn about environmental changes state & community organizations can make to integrate early childhood nutrition into Title V programs.
This series can be accessed here.
Mind Matters: AYA Mental Health Capacity Building for Title V Series:
This set of four e-learning modules is developed for Title V staff interested in how they can leverage their jurisdiction’s MCH block grant program to improve systems of mental health care for AYAs. Each of the four modules functions as a standalone learning experience, and users can navigate between each module at their leisure, and in the order they prefer. Within each module, learners will find an introduction and background to the topic, key resources, examples of MCH programs in action, a summary of takeaways, and an opportunity for individual reflection on the content that’s been covered. The topics covered by each module include:
- Emerging Topical Issues in AYA Mental Health: Learn about the state of mental health among AYAs and trends over the last decade.
- Innovation in Service Delivery: Learn about the ways in which creativity in youth screening procedures has reduced some existing barriers to high-quality treatment & support.
- Integration of Mental Health into Primary Care for AYAs: Learn about frameworks, strategies, and real-world examples of effective approaches to integrating mental health services into primary care encounters for AYAs.
- MCH Workforce Capacity and Skillsets: Learn about pivoted approaches in workforce development to the skillsets of the AYA-MCH workforce to improve mental health care systems.
This series can be accessed here.
Recent AMCHP News
AMCHP Annual Conference
Have you saved the date for the 2023 Annual Conference? Mark your calendars for May 6-9, 2023, to attend in New Orleans, Louisiana! Our 2023 edition of the AMCHP Annual Conference will offer content in-person and through our virtual conference platform with the theme Cultivating Diverse Leaders in Maternal and Child Health. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our mailing list to be the first to receive updates and information about the conference!
Early Bird Registration for the 2023 AMCHP Annual Conference is Now OPEN!
Early Bird registration for the 2023 AMCHP Annual Conference is now open! Register to attend in person or virtually by Wednesday, March 8, 2023, at 11:59 PT, to take advantage of the early bird pricing.
Are you not sure whether you will attend in person or virtually? You can change your attendance status without penalties until Wednesday, April 5, 2023, at 11:59 PT.
The 2023 AMCHP Annual Conference will be held from May 6 – 9, 2023, at the New Orleans Marriott in New Orleans, LA, and virtually through our virtual conference platform. You can register now to secure your spot here!
Call for Proposals is Open
The call for proposals for the 2023 AMCHP Annual Conference is now open! AMCHP invites those with lived experiences and partners outside our traditional membership, including community members, those working at community-based organizations, and those representing tribal governments, to participate in submitting and presenting concurrent skills-building sessions, workshops, poster sessions, and roundtables.
AMCHP has made a formal commitment to anti-racism and racial equity, which we operationalize through our partnerships, communications, and events. AMCHP also recognizes that the work of Title V and our members is enhanced immeasurably by working in partnership with CBOs and tribal governments. A key piece of this partnership is listening to and learning from community members’ expertise about effective community initiatives and collaborating on ways to further support and sustain that work at the state level.
We would like to leverage opportunities like the 2023 AMCHP Annual Conference to live up to our commitments and invite you to participate. AMCHP will continue to make an intentional effort to have community members, those working at community-based organizations, and those representing tribal entities feel welcome at the conference as speakers, thought leaders, experts, and partners. [read more]
Submit a proposal to share your work and ideas here under any of the 13 subject-focused tracks by Tuesday, November 22, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. PT. Submitters with completed submissions by this deadline will be notified of their session status by the end of December.
Conference Proposal Reviewers Needed
The AMCHP Annual Conference Planning Committee invites you to review conference proposals, which include workshops, posters, skills-building sessions, and roundtables. AMCHP relies on reviewers to help us identify content related to the conference theme that is cutting-edge or innovative and furthers the MCH field’s growth. Reviewing conference proposals is also a great way to learn more about what is happening in the MCH field.
Explore some of the expectations and the timeline, and sign up to be a proposal reviewer at this link.
Explore the Conference Theme
Each year, the AMCHP Annual Conference is represented with a theme that aligns with identifying practices and policies to address the key challenges that maternal and child health (MCH) programs and families face. It also aims to strengthen the partnership between local and state MCH programs and families. Ideas for the theme are solicited from our conference planning committee, AMCHP staff, AMCHP Board, and AMCHP committee members and then carefully considered and selected based on a prioritization process. Thus, the emergence of this year’s Annual Conference theme came about: Cultivating Diverse Leaders in Maternal and Child Health. [read more]
Explore the FULL Event Schedule on Our Website
Visit our conference webpage to view the full conference schedule, which includes opportunities for networking and skill-building sessions as well as plenty of impactful workshops and inspiring plenary sessions.
AMCHP Information & Resources
Monkeypox Virus and the MCH Community
Monkeypox virus (MPV), one of the orthopox viruses, continues to circulate in the United States and around the world, with more than 27,000 cases reported in the US by mid-October 2022. While the vast majority of cases in the current outbreak have occurred in adult gay or bisexual men and men who have sex with men, anyone can become infected.
New York State Takes Action to Expand Access to Care for Adolescents
Around 45 cases have been reported in children and adolescents aged 15 and under, with much higher numbers for older adolescents aged 16 to 20: about 550. To expand access to prevention, diagnosis, and treatment for adolescents, the New York State Department of Health enacted emergency regulations temporarily adding MPV to the list of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). MPV is not strictly spread through sexual contact; any close skin-to-skin contact or sharing of items such as bedsheets and clothing with an infected person can result in MPV infection. However, most infections in the current outbreak have been associated with sexual contact. This action allows young people under the age of 18 to consent to vaccination, testing, and care without the consent of a parent or guardian. The agency’s statement says, “These regulations will help ensure that more young people have optimal health outcomes and do not transmit the virus to others.”
Vaccination, Post-Exposure Prophylaxis, and Treatment Guidelines for Pregnant and Lactating Individuals
Few cases in pregnant and lactating patients have been identified. MPV can be transmitted during pregnancy, and adverse pregnancy outcomes, including miscarriage and stillbirth, have been reported. Lateral transmission during delivery does occur in laboring patients with MPV, and infection in neonates can be severe. Pregnant and lactating people who otherwise meet the criteria are eligible for vaccination, post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), and treatment with antiviral medication.
CDC’s clinical considerations for pregnant and lactating people, including breastfeeding and isolation guidelines for those with MPV infections, can be found here.
Risk to Healthcare Workers
Only one confirmed MPV infection in the US has been associated with occupational exposure; that case, reported in MMWR, involved an accidental needle stick during the care of an infected person. By following standard infection prevention, including the use of PPE and sharps safety precautions risk of occupational infection following exposure to MPV appears to be very low for healthcare workers.
Additional Resources
- American Academy of Pediatrics’ FAQ on MPV
- CDC Guidance for Schools & Early Care and Education Programs
- What You Need to Know about Monkeypox if You are a Teen or Young Adult (CDC)
- ACOG Obstetric Care Considerations for Monkeypox
If you have questions about MPV or would like to share your agency’s experiences or resources with AMCHP, please email Sabra Anckner, RN, MSN.
AMCHP Mental Health Corner
Mental health is an important component of well-being for MCAH populations. To recognize its importance, we will use this space to highlight resources for MCAH professionals to support their own mental health, as well as the mental health of those they serve. Read more about AMCHP’s organizational work on mental health and substance use here.
Observances in November include Native American Heritage Month, World Kindness Day, International Stress Awareness Day, and International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day. In November, AMCHP’s mental health social media will highlight stress and anxiety relief as we enter the holiday season and celebrate the important work of tribal-led mental health and suicide prevention programs. We encourage you to retweet our material and use the hashtag: #AMCHPMentalHealth.
Interested in receiving more information on what’s happening related to mental health/substance use and MCH? Sign-up for the PRISM Digest, our monthly mental health/substance use newsletter, by emailing and checking out the #AMCHPMentalHealth hashtag on Twitter. Have questions or want to learn more? Contact the mental health team at
New Post Alert! #ScreenToInterveneForAYAs Blog
Mental Health Equity for BIPOC Communities: Helpful Primers from Mental Health America
This latest blog post highlights key takeaways from a recent learning session for participants of the Adolescent & Young Adult Behavioral Health Collaboration project. Allissa Torres, Director of Mental Health Equity at Mental Health America, spoke with the group about practical ways to center equity for BIPOC communities within efforts to support the improvement of mental health systems. The archived learning session and helpful resources can be accessed within the blog post. If you would like to receive an e-mail notification when a new blog post is available for viewing, please sign up here.
AMCHP National Policy Calls
AMCHP Policy and Partnerships Town Halls
Thank you to those of you who joined us for our October AMCHP Policy and Partnerships Town Hall. You can watch the full recording here:
The next Town Hall will be next week on Thursday, November 10, 2-3 PM EDT. We invite you to register for that and future Town Halls at this link.
Legislation & Policy
Explore our Maternal Health Bill Tracker for more information about pending federal legislation to improve maternal health.
AMCHP Seeks Feedback on Proposed MIECHV Legislation
AMCHP seeks your feedback on the proposed MIECHV Legislation. Details of the bill can be found in this section-by-section summary, or see the full legislative text.
Please fill out our survey (you can remain anonymous) with your feedback here.
Opportunities & Funding
AMCHP Career Center: Connecting Talent with Opportunity
AMCHP lists the top jobs available in our industry. Access the AMCHP Career Center to search and apply for open positions or post your jobs on opportunities! Search for Jobs | Post a Job.
AAP Now Recruiting | Quality Improvement (QI): Congenital Heart Disease Learning Collaborative
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is recruiting pediatric primary care providers to participate in a quality improvement project which proposes to engage multiple practices in a virtual learning collaborative approach to advancing the integration of care and quality of life for children and youth living with congenital heart disease (CHD). This virtual learning collaborative will offer a unique opportunity for participating pediatric practices to optimize their pediatric medical home for children aged 0-18 years living with congenital heart disease (CHD). There will be an opportunity to earn Maintenance of Certification (MOC2 and MOC4) credits and Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits if all requirements are met. For more information, see the recruitment flyer. Complete the project application here by 5 PM CST, November 7, 2022. Contact Nataliya Shtym, Program Manager, at for additional information.
Call for Reviewers: Maternal and Child Health Journal Supplement on Public Health Approaches to Perinatal Substance Use
AMCHP and ASTHO warmly invite you to serve as a peer reviewer for our journal supplement on Public Health Approaches to Perinatal Substance Use in the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Journal. Peer reviewing is an enriching experience that benefits both the individuals who dedicate their time and expertise to the process and the MCH community. You can learn more about the role and responsibilities of peer reviewers here.
If you would like to peer review, please complete this short survey. The information provided will be shared with the Editor-in-Chief of the MCH Journal to initiate matching you to papers within your interests and expertise. (Note: it is possible to submit to this supplement AND review a submission).
For questions, please email Amani Echols (AMCHP) at
Partner Events & Webinars
Apply to Host a Title V MCH Intern Team During Summer 2023!
The National Maternal and Child Health Workforce Development Center (MCH/WDC) is now accepting state/territorial Title V agency applications for the Title V MCH Internship Program from October 10 to November 14, 2022.
At least seven MCH Trainees teams will participate in Title V programs internships over the summer of 2023. The program starts on June 5 and will last ten weeks. Students are expected to work full-time. The 2023 program may be in-person or virtual, depending on the needs and requirements of the agency and the student’s needs and availability.
Why apply to host a team of students as part of the Title V MCH Internship Program?
- Enhance your agency’s capacity to complete a project or task.
- Get help in moving a strategy forward or in making progress on an activity that’s been on the ‘back burner.’
- Gain student support to design a survey, conduct key informant interviews, complete a literature review, analyze results of focus groups, or develop evidence for a strategic plan.
- Benefit from the leadership and professional development training provided by Internship staff to Title V MCH Interns.
- Learn more about your supervisory style and practice mentoring.
- Title V agencies are eligible to apply.
- Selected agencies must have the capacity to mentor and support a team of two MCH student interns throughout the entire ten-week program.
Apply now – applications are due no later than November 14, 2022. Click here for more information and/or contact Gabriella Masini at
The 2022 Prenatal-to-3 State Policy Roadmap
The Prenatal-to-3 Policy Impact Center held its webinar on October 13, where they discussed several policies and strategies implemented across several states to help enact positive change in the lives of infants and toddlers. Visit this link here to view more of their materials and learn about their Policy Roadmap!
Publications & Resources
New and Updated Resources from the American Academy of Pediatrics: Supporting Intimate Partner Violence Survivors in Pediatric Health Care Setting
The American Academy of Pediatrics, in partnership with Futures Without Violence, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, developed several resources to assist pediatricians and pediatric healthcare providers in supporting intimate partner violence (IPV) survivors and their children during the pandemic and recovery. Resources include:
- Sample scripts/dialogue for having conversations about IPV with caregivers in pediatric healthcare settings.
- An infographic series (and related resources) highlighting key experiences and challenges of domestic violence advocates and families experiencing violence during the pandemic.
- An issue brief sharing important lessons learned about IPV survivor-centered support during the pandemic, specifically for pediatric healthcare providers.
- A article for families who may be experiencing stress and violence at home.
- A short, animated video series related to the experiences of IPV survivors during the pandemic, specifically in pediatric healthcare settings. These videos address the following topics:
- For Families/IPV Survivors:
- Talking With Your Child’s Doctor about IPV – Available in English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Vietnamese
- For Pediatric Health Care Providers:
- For Families/IPV Survivors:
Visit for more info. FUTURES is also in the process of updating and adding pediatric-specific information/resources as well.
Recent Publication & Resources
- Special Journal Issue on MCH Workforce Development
- Pregnancy-Related Deaths: Data from Maternal Mortality Review Committees in 36 U.S. States, 2027-2019
November 2022
American Diabetes Month
Bladder Health Month
COPD Awareness Month
Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month
Lung Cancer Awareness Month
National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month
National Epilepsy Awareness Month
National Family Caregivers Month
National Healthy Skin Month
National Home Care & Hospice Month
National Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
Prematurity Awareness Month
Stomach Cancer Awareness Month
Weeks to Note:
National Diabetes Education Week; November 6 – 12
National Radiologic Technology Week; November 7-13
National Nurse Practitioner Week; November 13 – 19
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Awareness Week; November 23 – 29
Days to Note:
National Diabetes Heart Connection Day; November 9
World Pneumonia Day; November 12
World Diabetes Day; November 14
World Prematurity Day 2022; November 17
Great American Smokeout; November 19
National Family Health History Day; November 25